The Sacrifice - Alternate Ending

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She wouldn't stop screaming and clawing at herself. She needed somebody, anybody to come save her from this shithole, anybody. The lead singer of the band Low Shoulder had raised the bowie knife just above the girl's abdomen, jerking himself around as if he were desperate to get a stab in and oh God she wouldn't stop crying. She could already feel the impact in her chest, and the mere thought of Nikolai even inching the weapon downwards triggered more sobbing and screaming. A bubbling pain erupted in Jennifer's throat, and she cried until her vocal chords would rip in half.

"Tonight," he started. "We've come here to sacrifice the body of..."

He trailed off. Suddenly going quiet, he leans down to glimpse at her tear-soaked, scrunched face. "Hey, what's your name again? Tiffany?"

"My name is Jennifer," she squeezed out from her sore gullet. Nikolai pumped out a quick "Super." before propping himself back up to his original position and hovering the knife above her that would soon penetrate her stomach, performing the chant once again.

"Alright! We've come tonight to sacrifice the virgin body of Jennifer from Devil's Kettle-"

"Please! Please don't do this, I'll do anything you want, please, I'll do anything!" Pleaded the restrained female. She's so fucking glad only these guys heard that, she would normally never beg anyone for anything and it'd be them that would beg her for favors. Looks like she's the one doing the imploring tonight.

"Fucking please, a 7 like you couldn't give me an eye-high like a 9 or a 10 could," His expression drops. "Can one of you guys get something to shut her up?"

Mick and Dirk, the other two members of the band, exchange nervous looks with each other before cupping their hands over Jennifer's mouth. Nikolai wastes no time, aiming the weapon closer this time, more so towards her breasts.

Slosh, slosh, slosh, said Jennifer's pumping blood. Oh fuck, this was really the end for her, wasn't it? What's her mother going to think? She'll go down as an idiot drunk who's slashed by 3 hot morons. How could she have been so stupid? The red flags were obvious! Why couldn't she have just listened to Needy? She clicks her tongue against the roof of her mouth a few times, like the beer was really getting to her. Northwood Nachos with badger sauce sounded really good right about now.


She closes her eyes and tries to turn out the booming voice of the band leader above her, imagining herself to be literally anywhere but here. Her concealed, true thoughts about Needy, ones that would never come out of her mouth in a million years begin to rise to the surface. She'd like to tell her that she's sorry for yelling at her, that she could wear any types of clothes she wanted, whether or not they'd show her cleavage. That she's sorry she ruined her love life with Chip, and that she's sorry she hated his guts for being with her, a lowlife with a princess. She tried to think more about her mom, the boys that ask her out, or anything else she appreciated, but all that came to mind was that nerdy blonde with her big, red glasses.

She wanted to just hold her hand, just one last time.

"HAIL SATAN!" Yelled the bastard, swinging the knife down as fast as he could. The brunette let out a sob-scream, shutting her eyes tight as she braced for bloody impact. A "bang!" noise was heard, but what she thought to be the ripping open and mutilation of her flesh, was the action of another being.

She...she wasn't being stabbed.

And at the thud of his body, Jennifer slowly peeks open her eye to find a gruesome sight; a bullet had penetrated through Nikolai's skull and left him a pool of blood dribbling from his forehead. His two other goons scream before they're eventually killed as well, one bullet in the heart, and the other right in the middle of his neck. Jennifer's eyes widen, not just in embezzlement, but in gratitude, as well.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15 ⏰

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