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as tom and bill catch up to me we all laugh and get to our houses, i say bye and walk into my house going straight to my mum.

if your wondering, the call was her telling me that we had been invited to our neighbours for dinner, it wasn't tom and bill though. it was someone else.

i quickly rush back to my room and get changed into some flared jeans and a white top with some graphics on it.

i grab my sunnies and go to my mum.

"is this okay to wear?"

"oh don't you look good?" my mum said

"thank you mumma. let's go?"

"yeah come on."
we head out the door and go next door, knocking on the door and a young boy around my age opens it.

"hello! welcome, we have got dinner cooking now." the boy leads me and my mum inside.

"hello guys!" the boys mum call at us as we walk in.

"hi! what's your names?" i say.

"i'm Elijah, and this is my mum kelly!" he introduced him and his mum.

i smile and nod. "i'm Tasha and this is Tina!" i introduce me and my mum.


everything goes well and we eat with them and leave, but i did notice something was a little off with that family but i just shook it off and walked back across the road with my mum back to our house.

i get inside and flop on the bed before closing my curtains, getting undressed and going for a shower.


i finish my shower and get changed into a black tanktop with thin straps which i didn't ideally like. so i put a jacket over it and some baggy sweatpants, i walk out my room and see my mum on the couch.

"hey darling? can you please walk to the shop and get me a block of chocolate? you can get one aswell." mum passes me $20.

"oh yeah sure." i take the money and put on my slippers.

i walk out the house and i start walking, i put my headphones in and walk to the shops casually hearing cars passing through my music.

i get to the shops and i struggle to find the chocolate isle since this is my first time here, i see a worker and ask where it is.

"hey um sorry to bother you but where is the chocolate?

"no it's okay, it should be down that isle love." she said pointing to a isle further down.

i smile and nod "thanks!" i slowly walk down to the isle, of course seeing lara down the isle. i didn't really want to talk to her so i pretend i don't notice her and hoping she doesn't recognise me.

i walk down and grab some chocolate. pineapple chocolate and some strawberry chocolate. walking away.


i get in line to pay for the chocolate and i finally get to pay.

"hi! just these?"


"alright that's $12!"

i pass her the note and she gives me a 5 dollar note, $2 coin and a $1 coin.

"thank you have a good day!" i say while walking out the shop. deciding to go around to the park for a bit.

i walk to the park with chocolate in my hand and i sit down at the fountain, throwing a 5c piece in, in the middle though, so no one can get it out unless they get in the fountain.

i make a wish and get up, walking around the block, listening to music just thinking about how school went, and lily, would she keep bothering me if i kept hanging out with tom? why should i care. he's my friend.

i feel a little weird walking through the block, a little more than usual through this part, i take out a AirPod and i didn't hear anything, so i just ignore that feeling.

i pull out my phone and find a different song.

now playing - why'd you only call me when your high? by arctic monkeys.

i slowly hum to the beat and lyrics still feeling a little off, my music lags and turns off, my phone went flat.


i take my AirPods out and just walk back, hearing footsteps behind me, i walk a little faster and so do the footsteps behind me.


~The Twins || bill and tom kaulitz~Where stories live. Discover now