Nine: Gringotts

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Caspian wakes to something beating on the window, a familiar beat. Curling back under the covers, it takes him a moment before realizing what it is. Jumping out of bed and leaping towards the window to open the pane, the creature dives towards his stomach, tickling him in the process with her head.

"Hedwig!" he giggles. Looking at her companion, she tilts her head in confusion. He looked different than what she remembered. Climbing onto his shoulder, she nips at his ear, getting the same reaction she normally gets, scritches and a laugh.

"I'm okay, Hed. I'm with Sirius and Remus right now. Speaking of, we should get to breakfast before they worry." With a bob of her head, she flies off her companion's shoulder so he can dress for the day. Turning her head so he has some privacy, she hears the shuffling and moving of fabrics.

"Ready?" he asks, holding his arm out to her. Jumping on to his elbow, she travels up to his shoulder, picking at his hair. Opening his bedroom door, he lets her find her way to the dining room, where she finds Sirius, Remus and two more people. One was short, the other tall and standing at the door.

"Etta?" the tall one asks. Sirius shakes his head.

"No. But it is her hatchling. This is Hedwig."

The tall one holds her arm out to Hedwig, like her companion does. Climbing her arm, she reaches her shoulder and nips at her ear, causing a laugh.

"So, you approve of my mum Hed?" a voice asks. All heads turn to Caspian, with a worried expression on his face. With a hoot and clacks of her beak, he sighs in relief. "I would hope so."

"Good to see you awake, Cas. We have some stuff to do before going to Atlantis." Vega remarks. "Sit down and I'll get you a spot of breakfast and a cuppa."

"Thank you." Sitting down to where she pointed, he spots a vial of liquid beside his plate. "What is this, mum?" 

"A specialized nutrient potion. I made it to fight your malnutrition and fade any scars. Also, yours sets and heals broken bones. These need to be taken once a day, with breakfast." she explains as she sets down a bowl of oatmeal and a cuppa. "I figured we'd start with something simple, so it'd settle in your stomach. Most find that oatmeal is easy to swallow. I've added some fruit too. Eat what you can and drink the potion afterwards."

After breakfast is done and the dishes are stacked away, Vega and Caspian, glamoured as Harry, make their way to Gringotts. Upon greeting a teller, the duo request to see the Potter, Atalanta and Black managers along with King Ragnuk.

"At once, Lady Atalanta. As you step through this threshold, all active magic will be null and void. As a safety measure to Mr. Potter-Black we've placed our own glamours on his person."

"Thank you, Master goblin. May your gold ever flow."

"And may your enemies lie beneath your feet, Lady Atalanta."

The trio make their way down corridors filled with twists and turns before stopping at a door. Etched in the wood, in a fancy scrawl, is the name Potter. Knocking on the door, they wait for their invitation to enter. A scratchy 'enter' is heard through the wood. As they step into the manager's office, they notice the weapons displayed on the walls, their blades ever so sharp.

Vega catches the eye of the manager of the Potter's banking statements and accounts, and bows. "Greetings, Master Griphook. It has been too long, my friend." She states, changing her features from their black and blank look to their blue and bright appearance.

"Ahh. Lady Atalanta, wonderful to see you again. Now before we begin, I must conduct an inheritance test on young Mr. Potter."

"Of course. Caspian?" Moving up to the desk, Caspian stands next to his mother and looks over to Griphook.

"Face your palm up and cut your hand. Seven drops of blood are needed for this test." Griphook takes out a golden dagger from a drawer of his desk. With a nod, Caspian takes hold of the dagger and slices his hand. Dripping the blood onto the parchment, seven droplets of blood fall giving his inheritance results.

Inheritance of Caspian Jameson Potter-Black







Guardianship of Caspian Jameson Potter-Black

Age: 14

Magical Guardian: Albus P.W.B. Dumbledore (Illegal, Former), Vega Perseus Potter nee Black [Legal, (Mother)]

Muggle Guardian: Petunia Evans (Illegal, Former), Vega Perseus Potter [Legal (Mother)]

Contracts and Bindings

Betrothal Contract: Harry James Potter to Ginerva Molly Weasley

Age of Activation: 17 NULL AND VOID

Magic Bound: 70% (Must be unbound to see other results)

"Will it tell who bound his magic?" his mother asks. The worry etched on her face causes concern as Caspian is ushered to the Potter cleansing chamber. It's been named as such because of the number of Potters who have come through the years for cleansing of dark, powerful, foreign and parasitic magic. 

"A new test will be required, of course."

"Of course."

As the goblin and demigoddess chat, the legacy of Poseidon follows another goblin to the Potter Cleansing Chamber. Following directions and removing his clothing, leaving nothing besides his undergarments. Laying in the circle, Caspian hears the chanting of the goblins in the room. As the chanting grows louder, he can feel the bindings on his magic, like a string of thread being unraveled on a spool, or a rubber band, snapping from the stress with little recoil. With the final verse of the chant the binding on his core breaks, releasing his magic with a cry from the boy.

Catching his breath, he sits up, the pent-up magic healing his vocal cords and the visible wounds completely. Taking in the feeling of his newfound magic, he lets out a sigh of relief. Standing, he finds himself off balance and stumbles a bit before gaining his bearings. Finding his clothes the way he left them, in a pile on the outside of the circle, Caspian redresses and follows the goblin back to Griphook.

Vega looks at her son with relief and worry. "Are you ready to take another test?" she asks.

With a nod, Caspian takes the dagger and splits the skin of his palm, drawing blood.

Magical Status of Caspian Jameson Potter-Black

Animagus: 14 point buck

Magic Proficiency: Defense, Potions and Transfiguration

Blood Status: Pure

Magic Status: Pure Gray (Neutral)

"What does it mean when I'm Pure Gray in Magic Status?" he asks.

"It means you are a firm believer that too much of one thing is bad. Tom may have had good ideas in the past, but that was then. He's been insane for too long that he's forgotten the purpose of him being the Dark Lord."

"So, he's not necessarily evil? Just misguided and insane?"

"No, he's not. Now, we must be going. You've been wanting to see Atlantis and I've been wanting to see my siblings." 

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