53. The Divine Wedding

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Raghav POV

She slept in my tent that night, and I kept caressing her back, until she was engrossed in deep slumber.

Ogling her divinely enchanting body, I pondered about whatever had happened today. The Princess who was scared to get a cut on her finger, was ready to give up on her life by drowning into icy water today.

My Princess was broken, and I had to heal her, but whom should I talk about my mental state, that I was grappling with my own existence. Everything had changed within a day - my identity, people's behaviour towards me, their notions and their expectations from me. How will I handle all this, Ma? I wish I could see you once. Do I even look like you?

Chandani fidgeted a little, and my concentration shifted back to her.

"You aren't asleep?"

She asked, opening her heavy lashes, and peeping into my eyes innocently.

"I was..um... about to sleep."

I blathered, and she straightened herself up, pouting her lips. Ah! I wanted to kiss them.

"You always ask me about my issues, but now, when you need someone to share your burden, you are refusing to tell it to me."

She grumbled, and I couldn't help but smile at her words.

"I miss my mother. I feel like she is calling me...my blood is calling me."

I stated, and she held my hand, in between her soft and small palms, caressing the back of my hand.

"I understand, Raghav!"

She sibilated, and I sucked on my lower lip.

"Chandani, I don't remember sleeping peacefully on a womanly lap. I yearn for such touch. People take me as a harsh masculine warrior, but you know...even I feel vulnerable at severe times."

I asserted, and her grip tightened around my palm. She spread her arms, and hugged me, kneeling before me. I encased her in my arms too, and she patted my back, caressing and cooing to me.

She sat back, and placed my head on her lap. I understood her gestures, and gave in easily.

"You are stronger than you think, Raghav. You'll be the King soon, and I've learnt from my Father, that a King has to be emotionally strong to handle the Kingdom perfectly, and you know what, you are the strongest person I've have come across - both physically and emotionally. Remembering your mother is not being weak. In fact this is what we call as being emotionally strong."

She elucidated to me, and I breathed heavily, listening to her sagacious words. My moonlight is grown up now. I stole a glance of her enchanting face, and she leaned forward to peck my forehead lovingly.

"My lap is always available for you."

She muttered, and my lips curved into a an impromptu smile. We got indulged in unexpected spiritual conversations, and slept entangling our arms with each other.
It was dawn, and I woke up, carrying my moonlight in my arms. Pecking her alluring cheek, I left the bed.

I paid salutations to Gangotri river, and took a holy dip in it. The disciples had already begun bedecking the Gurukul splendidly. I grinned effortlessly, deciphering that it was my wedding day, that too with the girl, to whom I have surrendered my everything.

The female students were busy gathering redolent flowers, and the males were amassing woods to construct mandap. Others were busy embellishing the surroundings.

My Chandani had woken up too, and fresh turmeric paste was prepared to apply on her body before giving her a refreshing bath.

I kept instructing everyone regarding the decorations, but they coerced me to sit silently, so that they could apply haldi paste on my body too.

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