4 - Lonely but not Alone

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"Okay, great. Thanks again." I got into my car which was parked at the side of the road and drove to the monastery. I took the outside lift and knocked on the monastery door. I didn't expect anyone to open the door but just as I thought that, Nya opened the door.

"Oh, good, your back." She let me inside and guided me to my room. "I got some stuff ready for you in your room like pyjamas and stuff like that. I left some food too if you're hungry. Goodnight, Cole."

"Thanks. Night, Nya." I got to bed and sighed as I stared into the ceiling, my tears slowly starting to blur my vision again.


After finally being able to cry myself to sleep, I woke up the next day at... I glanced at the time again. I watched the second hand tick around once more until it hit the number twelve. 10am. I put on some fresh clothes and walked to the kitchen where Jay was cleaning the dishes and Nya was making me breakfast.

"You slept in for a while haven't you?" Jay joked. He could tell that I wasn't in the mood for anything much. I sat at the counter while Nya placed a plate full of scrambled eggs in front of me. 

"Thanks... uh, yeah it was a long night..." I started eating. "Um, Nya, is there any chance you can invite Harumi and Emily over?" I asked.

"Yeah that won't be a problem. Is before noon okay? I'm meeting with Sky at noon."

"Yeah, alright."

"Cool, I'll text them then."

I finished my breakfast and cleaned up after myself. I went back to my room to get the bag with Lily's belongings. I came to the living room and scrolled through my phone while I waited for Harumi and Emily to arrive. Once they did arrive, Jay went with Jaya and Caleb outside while I called Nya, Rumi and Em to the living to tell them the news...

I took a deep breath, "I have good news and bad news about Lily..."

Emily and Harumi looked at each other and then back at me, confused. "What happened?" Emily asked.

"She um..." I cleared my throat. "Got stabbed last night..." They looked at each other, concerned.

"So, the good news is... she's okay..." Everyone let out a small and quiet sigh of relief before I continued, "The bad news... for us at least..." Tears formed in my eyes. "She's in a better place now..." I put my head down and my hands were over my face, trying to conceal my face while I broke down into tears. Everyone else also started to tear up.

I took the bag of Lily's belongings, "They found these on her. I think you guys would want them..." There was a small box in the bag. I opened it and took out the first object. It was her necklace with photos of each family member in the locket which opened like a flower. I gave it to Emily. I then took out a small handmade keychain. Her and Rumi made matching ones as kids. I gave it to Harumi. While Em and Rumi comforted each other, Nya stood up and placed her hand on my shoulder while I held the last item in the box - her Yang half.


I was at the café, just before noon, waiting for Nya. Once I spotted her dark blue hair, I waved at her. She noticed me and sat at the table, "Hey, Sky!"


Nya let out a sigh before asking, "How are you?"

"I don't know... I guess I'm okay."

"You know that you can talk about it. You're not alone."

"It's been three years. I guess I'm used to it by now but I still feel empty."

"Yeah... Are your kids aware that he's gone or do they not remember him much?"

"Actually, surprisingly, they do remember him a bit. They miss him too although they barely knew him. They're more used to living without him than I am."

"Fair enough."

"What about-" The waitress interrupted us.

"Hello, can I get you anything?"

Nya looked at me then back at the waitress. "Two coffees?" I nodded. "Yeah just two coffees, then."

"Which coffee would you two like?"

"Uh..." Nya started.

"We'll take whatever is most popular," I answered.

"No problem, any allergies before we make your coffee?"


"Would you like some snack with that? A cake?"

"Do you still have those chocolate muffins?" I asked.

"Sure do!"

"We'll take two then," Nya said.

"I'll be back soon."

"Thank you."

The waitress left and I was able to continue the conversation. "What about you? How are you feeling?"

"Much better year after year. But..." she sighed. "I still feel guilty."

"Nya, it wasn't your fault..." I reassured her.

"I know but I feel like I could've done something more."

"Hm..." I paused. "Oh yeah, any news on Lily?"

Nya seemed surprised by the question, "Lily? Oh, right... uh... She um... She didn't make it..."

I gasped softly and covered my mouth in shock. What do I say to that? I thought she'd survive! " I'm so sorry, Nya. I didn't expect that at all!"

Nya shook her head, "Neither did I! She seemed to have a bit more strength after the ambulance came. I don't know what happened..."

"I wonder how Cole is doing... He must be devastated. Even more than us after Kai disappeared." The waitress came and brought us the coffees and muffins. 

Nya turned to the waitress and thanked her before turning back to me. "He did see the cause of her death... He must feel horrible. I feel so bad."

"Ever since that day it's all gone downhill. First Master Wu, then Kai, now Lily. Why is it that all the good people go first? It's not fair..."

"Especially that Lily had such a lonely childhood. She finally meets someone she loves and trusts, has a kid and all of it just disappears. She became a therapist for children to give them the help she never got. She was such a good person. She doesn't deserve it."

"Neither does Cole. He had a rough childhood himself, right? He lost his mother and was raised by his dad. He never wanted Caleb to experience the same thing."

Nya shook her head in disbelief again before saying, "It's horrible... I really hope that he understands that he's not alone..."

Sorry for the short chapter, I hope you're enjoying it so far though!

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