~Chapter 8~

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I found myself standing on a balcony that overlooked a seemingly endless void. The emptiness stretched out before me, both fascinating and unsettling. Confusion clouded my thoughts, and I couldn't comprehend how I had arrived here. "Where the hell am I? Why am I here?"

To my surprise, a deep, resonant voice replied, "You are here because I brought you here, Perseus Jackson."

Startled, I turned to face the source of the voice. There, standing before me, was a tall African man dressed in a sleek black suit. His long black hair was in dreadlocks that fell like waves, he wore a black ram's skin draped over his shoulder, and he held a stylish metal cane with a derby handle.

The man approached me with an air of grace and charisma, offering his hand. "My name is Erebus." he said. I slowly took it. "And you have caught the attention of some powerful beings, Perseus."

"Ah, You are the primordial, Erebus?" I asked, "I apologise for not bowing, but I believe you have to earn respect not just be given it."

"It is quite alright, in truth the only immortals that want that respect and worship are those Olympians and the minor gods. We Primordials and the Titans after us all believe in earning respect by using our powers to help mortals live on this planet. Believe it or not but the first generation of humans lived side by side with us. we helped each other. Though sadly your father, Zeus killed them and had Prometheus create a new generation of humans that they forced to worship them."

"Wow the more you know. So who's attention did I recieve?" I asked.

"Nyx, Tartarus, and I. We three have been watching you ever since you defeated the King of the Hellhounds. Ever since the pack of hellhound have been residing in Tartarus not knowing who to follow and what to even do."

"What does that have to do with anything, no offense."

Erebus chuckled softly, the sound echoing in the ethereal expanse. "None taken. Nyx created the Hellhounds you see, before ShadowFang took charge they simply lived in coexistance with the humans their desendants later became the wolves and the dogs that exist today.."

"Wow, I didn't know that."

Erebus placed a reassuring hand on my shoulder. "Well, it was a shock to us three, in fact after some deciding we are going to bless you with some gifts. Nyx has given you full control of the Hellhound pack, as their true King. Lord Tartarus and I have decided to give you a unique ability we call, Shadow Enslavment."

"You're joking, I don't want to be king." I sighed. "And what is Shadow Enslavement?"

"You have no choice, as for Shadow Enslavement. It is a skill that allows you to turn anyone into a loyal servant. Though knowing you, you will get their permission first before using it."

I furrowed my brow, my curiosity piqued. "Right....so, why am I here? What do you, Nyx and Tartarus want from me?"

Erebus met my gaze with an intense look. "Right, besides the gift there is something that happened and we were hoping that you could help."

"What is it?"

"One of the hellhounds was bitten by an empusa and she ended up turning into a human."

"Yeah sure I don't mind helping out." I sighed.

"Great! Nyx will drop her off when she is done healing her and making sure her body is okay."

"By the way is she a full human?" I asked.

"No I believe she is a dog version of a Nekomata." Erebus grinned.

"You gotta be kidding me."

Erebus laughed as he faded from my sight, and I found myself waking up in my dorm room. His message left me with more questions than answers.

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