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Hello Everyone! 

I'm again here with a FF story of Tanshi . But in this , an unknown teenage girl named, Krishna , is narrating their whole story.

I'm telling you do not expect this story to be the same as my other stories , this story has lots of emotions , betrayal , crime , confusion , revenge , romance , psychopath and many more , where Tanshi are not together , where they both are drowned in the sorrow , where they both are in trouble but still connected by heart.

In this story , Tanushree got married to Pawan and Rishi married to Neha ( fake Tanu ). However Tanu is not with Pawan but Rishi lives in America with his family and Bani and all still lives in Mumbai. Ahana will soon be a part of it. Bedis' still recognize Neha as Tanu and Tanu as Tanvi.

Tanushree lives Prayagraj , UP with her friends . Her and her friends bond is just unbreakable. She is now unrecognizable , no one can say that she is the same girl as she was. She consumes alcohol , late night parties , dating , she has become heartless but still she loves Rishi.

Whereas Rishi , he hates Tanvi ( Tanushree ) for leaving him but still he has the soft corner for her. He has become such a big badass and ruthless businessman but still the hottest and lafhander (flirty ) guy and he too has beard ( his look is as same as Veeranshu Singhania ). 




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