Chapter 24: Kisses

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"... things worked out."

I rub my eyes, still sleepy. It's one A.M. and Sparky woke me up with a phone call. "What?" I say.

Sparky laughs over the phone. "I don't know how it happened, but Anathi, John, and Felipe all found out. You snitched, didn't you?"

"I didn't think they'd tell their parents," I hiss. "I told them not to."

"Well it's working out. They're investing money into my company. I've been flying all over, trying to get customers now. It's working, Valentina. It's working. You might be able to stay at Arbourne. If this keeps going how it's going, we can make everything back. See how important connections are?"

I'll be able to stay. I'll be able to stay with Jasper and Seung-jun and Teddy and Noelise and everyone in our little club. I'll be able to stay at Arbourne.

Or will I?

"You're sure?" I ask.

"I'm sure. I just wanted to tell you as soon as possible. What time is it over there anyways? I'm in Singapore right now."

"It's 1 A.M."

"Well, I hope you sleep easier now."

He hangs up with a click. I throw down my phone, collapsing on my bed and staring at the ceiling. All I can feel is overwhelming, overwhelming relief. I'll be able to stay at Arbourne for a little longer, stay with Jasper a little longer. Honestly, he's headed for Oxford and I'm failing the most basic classes, so I don't know how close we're going to be in the future. It's scary and awful and I was scared, but now I'm staying. But now I'm here. But now, now?

Now, I want to stay by Jasper's side.


"You're staying?"

"I'm staying," I confirm.

Jasper doesn't say anything. Instead, he leans forward and kisses me, long and slow.

We're in the pool. It's a warm day; not quite summer, but warm enough to swim. The air is hot and heavy; I think there might be a thunderstorm on the way. Jasper wanted to swim before it started raining.

"I feel bad," I tell him suddenly.

Jasper looks at me, blinking lazily. His lashes are wet. "Why?" he asks.

I shrug, flipping over so I'm floating in the water. Absentmindedly, Jasper runs his hand along the side of my ribs, right where it meets the water. "I just ... I feel bad that this all happened."

"Don't," he says immediately. "I don't want you to leave Arbourne. I made my dad invest for entirely selfish reasons."

"Yeah but—"

I break off, staring at the sky. It's grey and heavy with clouds. How do I tell him? Jasper says he likes me even though I lied to him about who I am and my mother and how I'm not really some old-money heiress from Italy. Does he though? I don't even like myself.

"Stop overthinking. I can see it on your face."

"My poker face is great," I tell him.

"Your poker face sucks. Why don't I distract you?"

He traces loops along my stomach, poking me. I laugh, sinking into the water. "How?"

"Am I not distracting you already?" he says quietly, smiling with infuriating arrogance.

I feel heat rush to my cheeks. I must be blushing, but how am I supposed to not, with how close he is to me? I open my mouth to answer something doubtlessly coherent and clever when suddenly, thunder rumbles in the distance.

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