Ten: Atlantis & Reggie

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Exiting Gringotts, the duo makes their way back to Grimmauld Place, where Nico waits for them as Sirius and Remus prepare for guests in the house. Stepping into the house, Caspian makes his way to his room to pack, while Vega checks on Nico.

Sitting next to the son of Hades, he leans on her shoulder. "What's wrong Nico?" she asks.

"Just nervous. Sirius and Remus are cleaning the harmful magic and I'm scared that without you here, it'll hurt him and the baby." he responds.

"What you don't know about the Black's, before the curse that is Black Madness sets in, which only happens in extreme circumstances and varies from person to person, is that we are protective of our children. So protective in fact that we've made several spells for the safety of any child. Barrier runes etched on cribs and spells to check for poisons and other things that shouldn't be near a child."

"And they both know these spells?"

"Sirius may have retained the important ones, but because he was in Azkaban for so long, the Black Madness may have gotten to him a bit."

"What does it do to him?"

"Black Madness generally makes a person go insane." Nico's eyes widen. "But Sirius's makes him depressed and forgetful. He'll be okay. Besides, Remus has a Defense certification. He's the one I trust to look after Sirius. Hecate knows how much trouble he gets into."

After reassuring Nico that the three would be fine on their own, Vega goes to check on Caspian's progress on packing. Only to find him passed out on his bed. Taking a picture, the flash of the camera startles the boy awake. Her laugh sounds through the house as Caspian blushes.

"You ready?" she asks, once calm.

"Yeah. Let's go! I can't wait to see Atlantis!" Pulling her arm, the good one, he stops once they make it down the stairs. "How are we getting there?" he questions.

"Normally, dad would have his fireplace open, but since he's probably in a meeting with his own counsel, we'll have to go through the front. We'll vapor travel to the trench and make our way down."

"Like Mariana Trench?" she nods.

"How else would we keep mortals from finding it?"


"Ready?" With a nod from her son, she takes his hand in hers and disappears in a shroud of mist. 


In the water, Vega notices that Caspian is holding his breath. She sighs bubbles escaping her lips, knowing she forgot something important. "Breathe, Cas. It's just like breathing in air." With a deep breath, Caspian's eyes widen as he breathes in the water, the liquid state not hurting his lungs. "As a legacy of Poseidon, you are able to breathe underwater, like I am. Now, let's get going."

Swimming deeper into the ocean, the duo makes their way into the darkness of the trench. Only to stop when they see a city sitting deep on the ocean's floor. The pair stop in front of the gates, where a pair of soldiers wait for them.

"How did you get down here? Only those of the Lord's domain are able to enter." one asks, relaying a message to their king.

"I am here to speak to my father, Lord-"

"Vega?!" a voice cuts her off.

"Triton! Thank father! These two won't let us through." She explains, her glare piercing through the two.

"Let them through, idiots. Or did you forget your youngest princess?" the two guards gape toward the woman, whose impish grin becomes larger at their faces. Moving aside, the two guards bow to the pair of ravens, who follow the god of calm seas, sea life, and sailors.

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