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My entire life I've been a magnet to the supernatural. I've seen a lot from Parallel Universes and Reality Shifting, Time Slips, Cryptid encounters, Ghosts & Demons, and Alien encounters including close encounters of the 4th (abductions) and 6th kind (resulting in 3rd-degree burns & blisters all over my body and radiation sickness the next day during a camping trip with my class from school in 4th grade. 

This journal only focuses on my experiences of my past including Reality Shifting, Parallel Universes, and Time Slips.

The following journal entries are true to memory. I've decided not to label them as some are obscure even to me. While I've diligently written the facts, some might not agree with what happened to me due to the misinformation being spread around on TikTok and the internet. I've attempted to post my experiences on Reddit and other social media platforms in the past only for them to be deleted. I will only post them here.

I ask you to keep an open mind while reading this. We don't know enough information about reality shifting, and time travel in this stage of our development. I've seen the negative reactions towards people who have shifted from accusations without logic and even death threats. I find it more concerning how people treat each other over whether or not the people shifting are experiencing paranormal encounters or not.

I will write the experiences down as I choose, so they will not be in timeline order.

I understand if you disagree with any of my experiences, but do not leave negative or trolling comments or I will delete them.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21 ⏰

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