Sins Unveiled - Chapter 1

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Zach stood on the precipice, bathed in the golden hues of dawn, a blue-covered book clutched in his hands. The rising sun painted the towering mountains with a warm glow as Zach contemplated their newfound notoriety - the Renaissance band's legacy etched in the core of humanity's fear. Yet, with this conquest achieved, uncertainty lingered in Zach's mind.

"Ah, so this is it. We've finally put fear in the core of humanity, our name will finally be known to everyone. We've done it, finally. But now what?" Zach said with an affirmative smile, his gaze fixed on the horizon.

The leader of the Renaissance band, a group of ten exceptional individuals, including Zach, possessed genes elevating them far beyond average humans. Their prowess lay not in sheer strength but in the mastery of various intelligences - spatial, bodily-kinesthetic, musical, linguistic, logical-mathematical, interpersonal, intrapersonal, and naturalistic. These unique capabilities formed the crux of their mission: the gradual dismantling of humanity.

As Zach marveled at the unfolding sunrise, a voice, familiar and laced with curiosity, reached him.

"Hey, Cap- I mean Zach. What are you doing there? Also that book. You bring that mostly everywhere you go, huh? Don't you think it's a bit cold to be standing out here in the morning?" Ruby'ck, a member of the band, approached him with a playful inquiry.

"You could've just waited for me," Zach replied, wondering about her sudden appearance.

"I also just wanted to see the bare view of how beautiful nature can be at some times, that's why I came here. Besides, you were gone from the hideout for about 10 minutes, so I was kind of worried about where you've gone off to," Ruby'ck expressed, her face showing signs of concern.

"I'm fine, Ruby'ck. There's nothing to be worried about. Let's go back," Zach reassured her.

Ruby'ck didn't reply to Zach and instead slowly walked towards him. As she got closer, Zach's eyelids dropped from the thoughts he was contemplating.

Now that she is near Zach, she paused for a brief moment. She then slowly raised her hands to put both of her hands on his cheeks and said, "Zach, we'll be fine. Whatever you're thinking of, I'm sure that it has something to do with all of these war stuff that has been going on for continuous months now. But despite this, we'll be okay. I am here for you, no. We're all here for you. I know that these words coming out from me might not be the best-suited words to enlighten and calm you down, but it's the least I can do for you," she cast a concerned smile in his direction.

His worried expression seemed to have worn off after hearing her concerned voice.

Zach's gaze softened as Ruby'ck's words washed over him, a sense of warmth enveloping his troubled thoughts. "Thanks, Ruby'ck. I guess I've just been feeling the weight of everything lately, you know? It's like no matter how hard we try, there's always another challenge waiting for us around the corner."

Ruby'ck nodded understandingly, her hands still resting gently on his cheeks. "I get it, Zach. It's easy to feel overwhelmed when it feels like the whole world is against you. But remember, we're not alone in this. We have each other, and together, we can face whatever comes our way."

A faint smile tugged at Zach's lips, a sense of gratitude filling his heart. "You're right, as always. I don't know what I'd do without you and the rest of the crew by my side."

Ruby'ck returned his smile, her eyes sparkling with determination. "We're in this together, Zach. Through thick and thin, we'll always have each other's backs."

With a sense of renewed resolve, Zach wrapped an arm around Ruby'ck's shoulders, drawing her close in a reassuring embrace. "Thanks, Ruby'ck. I needed that reminder."

They stood there, the morning sunlight filtering through the trees, Zach felt a sense of peace wash over him, knowing that no matter what challenges lay ahead, they would face them together as a team.

"Thank you, Ruby'ck. Let's go back to our hideout. We, as the Renaissance, have lots to do for this day," Zach responded.

She finally lowered her hands and allowed him to take the lead on the brief journey from the cliff to their hiding place.

He carefully surveyed the surroundings for potential threats or surprises that might lie ahead along the path they were traversing, maintaining high alertness in any situation where the possibility of a battle breaking out existed.

"What's wrong?" Ruby'ck said calmly while they were slowly walking.

"You're composed, almost too composed. In times like these, it's crucial to stay vigilant, considering that we're the ones responsible for this war against humanity itself. Everyone is on our trail. While we've successfully vanished from the world's main broadcasts, we still need to stay alert constantly," Zach responded.

"Oh, I apologize. It's just that I've grown accustomed to our current situation, where we face fewer troubles than before. Living quietly here in the mountain forests, we're free from any threats from Core's Protector," she explained.

"That's understandable. I anticipated that would be your response. Just remain cautious if you decide to leave our hideout. I don't want anything to jeopardize your safety or that of the others," he paused as they heard a sudden twig snap not far from their location.

Zach swiftly signaled Ruby'ck with specific hand gestures and unsheathed his claymore sword, assuming an offensive stance. Ruby'ck readied his lengthy, sharp whip in anticipation of the impending combat. He carefully surveyed their surroundings to track where the noise came from.

Following a full minute of complete silence, sounds emanated from the bushes, gradually advancing through them.

"Prepare yourself, Ruby'ck," they both readied their well-honed fighting stances, specifically crafted for versatile hand-to-hand combat.

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