An alternate reality, Angelique's fate in 1840

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The year was 1840, and Collinwood stood as a beacon of both elegance and darkness. Angelique Bouchard, paced the dimly lit corridors. The air crackled with tension, for the Collins family was embroiled in a web of secrets, curses, and forbidden love.

On a moonless night, Angelique found herself in the drawing room. The flickering candlelight cast shadows on the walls, and the portrait of Josette du Prés seemed to watch her with mournful eyes. Barnabas Collins, his immortal curse still binding him, stood by the window. His gaze was distant, haunted by centuries of longing.

Angelique's heart ached. She had loved Barnabas once, with a passion that transcended time. But her jealousy, her thirst for revenge, had twisted their destinies. Now, as the clock struck midnight, she vowed to change their course.

In the corner of the room lay a loaded pistol—an instrument of fate. Angelique had seen the future in her dreams: the gunshot that would pierce her heart, ending her existence. But what if she could alter that future? What if she could rewrite her own story?

She approached the pistol, its cold metal sending shivers down her spine. Her fingers traced the engraved patterns, and she whispered an incantation—a plea to the spirits who wove the fabric of time.

"Angelique," Barnabas's voice cut through the silence. He had sensed her turmoil, her desperation. "What are you contemplating?"

She turned to face him, her eyes searching his. "Barnabas," she said, her voice steady, "I cannot bear this curse any longer. But I refuse to die by my own hand."

He stepped closer, his expression torn. "What do you propose?"

Angelique's plan unfolded. She would vanish from Collinwood, leaving behind only a trace of her presence—a lock of her hair, a whispered promise. She would seek out the ancient witch covens, learn their secrets, and find a way to break the curse that bound Barnabas.

"But promise me," she implored, "that you will wait. Wait for my return, no matter how long it takes."

Barnabas hesitated, then nodded. "I swear it."

And so, with the moon as her witness, Angelique vanished. The gunshot never rang out. Instead, the night swallowed her whole, carrying her across realms and centuries.

Years passed. Barnabas waited, his love undiminished. Josette's ghost wandered the cliffs of Widow's Hill, her forgiveness a balm for his tortured soul. And then, one stormy night, Angelique reappeared—a wiser, older version of herself.

She held a vial of elixir—the key to breaking the curse. Barnabas drank, and the chains that bound him shattered. He embraced her, tears in his eyes. "You kept your promise."

Angelique smiled. "Love transcends time, Barnabas. And redemption is our shared legacy."

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