Sins Unveiled - Chapter 3

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Ruby'ck enthusiastically announced their return, but the response from the others was a noticeable silence.

"Well, it seems everyone's engrossed in their usual routines at this hour," Ruby'ck remarked.

"Indeed, they stick to their daily tasks around this time," Zach added.

As they waited for the other members to emerge, a hushed murmur of tiny footsteps echoed from one of the rooms. Gradually, Leeani, one of the Renaissance members, appeared.

"Captain, welcome back. Did you bring that bear for us to feast on?" inquired Leeani.

Leeani's eyes lit up with anticipation. "'ll help with the preparations."

Zach nodded in agreement. "Thanks, Leeani. Your assistance will be greatly appreciated. Let's make this meal one to remember."

Ruby'ck beamed at Leeani's question, glad for the attention. "Ah, Leeani, my dear comrade! You've got it spot on. Zach here has triumphantly returned with our dinner for tonight!"

Leeani's eyes widened with excitement. "I can already imagine the savory aroma wafting from the cooking pot!"

Ruby'ck chuckled, "But let's just hope our cooking skills are precise, or else we might end up with bear tartare instead of a hearty stew."

Their banter continued as they eagerly anticipated the feast that awaited them, their camaraderie shining through even in the most mundane of moments.

Introducing Leeani, a vital member of the Renaissance with a unique set of skills. As an exceptional marksman, her expertise lies in the art of sniping, demonstrating unparalleled accuracy and precision even at considerable distances. She is presently 18 years old. Leeani boasts a warm ivory complexion and captivating earthy brown eyes and brown hair, standing at a petite 5'0 feet and weighing 43 kg. Her extensive training under master Gargeal has equipped her with essential survival skills, aligning her capabilities with those of her fellow members.

Leeani's character is a manifestation of the Sin of Envy, presenting a complex blend of qualities. Her resourcefulness, keen observational skills, and strategic thinking are complemented by a streak of manipulative and dishonest tendencies. While she wields a crossbow as her primary weapon, a common choice among the Renaissance, Leeani is also proficient in close hand-to-hand combat, echoing the diverse skill set shared by her peers.

 While she wields a crossbow as her primary weapon, a common choice among the Renaissance, Leeani is also proficient in close hand-to-hand combat, echoing the diverse skill set shared by her peers

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Leeani's Face

"Hi, Lea!" Ruby'ck greeted with genuine excitement, as though encountering her long-lost little sister.

"Hey, Ruby!" Leeani responded with a warm smile.

Ruby'ck hurriedly made her way to the spot where Leeani stood, just outside the entrance of the girls' bedrooms. Embracing her like a cherished younger sibling, Ruby'ck filled the air with a sense of liveliness that Leeani couldn't help but reciprocate.

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