ch. 10

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The weather was cold, I was walking downhill. It felt somehow familiar and mysterious at the same time, walking looking at everything around me the cat's purr the bird's tweets, the sound of wind which was soothing, kids walking in flocks talking in a loud voice about their dogs and adventure.

It was heartwarming, yet heart-clenching at the same time. I couldn't seem to remember my childhood no matter how much I try
It was me taking care of everyone
I couldn't remember as if it didn't exist in the first place. The only thing that I could picture was me standing at the corner of every event. What was wrong with me?


I was standing in front of the local store and I don't remember anything afterwards


I was now standing in front of my house with a bag loaded with food and snacks it seemed I had spent all the money I had bought with me but I don't remember.... It is frustrating that my mind is playing tricks on me again and I didn't get the time to eat my meds ...

I went inside the house hastily, Lizzy was not there, and my eyes were drowsy both out of starvation and sleep deprivation. I fell on the floor, relaxed...

"Ahahaha .....hahahahahaaahaha"

I couldn't stop my soft giggles. I am sick yes sick of everything. But it is nice to know that someone is with me, ' I want to hear the joke too'

'Do I need a reason to laugh?'

'Yes, you are right you don't need a reason to laugh'

Ah~ now I remember I wasn't alone all the time he was with me all along. It is me who didn't realise
No one approached me when he was there.

_To be continued

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