ch. 14

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"Hey, Lizzy wake up "

Her mom said.

"Yes mum, just 5 minutes more"

She kissed her mom's cheek while lying on the bed. She still had time on her hands. After some time she got up from her bed and went to freshen up to get her breakfast.


"Mum, what did you make?"

"Ah, nothing special just the packed food, which you had brought. "

She was stareing the food with her bored orbs.

".....Yes you are right, I brought them."

Her dad was watching the local news. In the morning with interest.

"Sup Pops, what are you watching? I wanna watch it too...turn up the volume "

It was just another normal and peaceful day with her family.

"Today we have stumbled upon a ground-breaking news near the  Kuwait school, which is very concerning and very disturbing. We found the dead body of a teenage girl hanging in the warehouse. She was wearing the uniform of the Kuwait school.

Her head is brutally beaten till the point we can see her skull. Both of her legs have been mercilessly crushed. And the most horrifying thing is that her eyes have been removed, which were lying nearby. She has been stabbed multiple times in both her face and her genitals. After research, we could only find the teenager's name, Ella.

The kids and the teacher from the school said, they didn't know anyone like her. It is truly a mystery, but we hope that the poor girl rest in peace.

Look out for your kids, there might be a psycho killer roaming in the city. We will continue this investigation and find the murderer, until then please be safe."

  Lizzy's parents were shocked by the news.

"Hey, sweetie why don't you leave the school for today?..... you know"


"But Lizzy, do you know who Ella is?"


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