Tactical Triumph - Chapter 33

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"Are you okay, Ruby?" Leeani inquired, her face etched with deep concern.

"Ruby, don't rush it," Yzavynne advised, her worry evident as she extended a careful hand to assist in raising Ruby's torso.

"I'm alright. What happened?" Ruby'ck asked while she was clueless to why she got in this situation, followed up with a cough.

"You're asleep almost a whole day since Captain said you fell unconscious while you were talking to him because of your sudden fever." Leeani respond

"Here, Ruby. Drink this; it will help with your fever. It's ginger tea made by Jiighual and Kazaks," Yzavynne said, cradling the hot tea in her hands.

"Thank you, Leeani and Yzavynne," Ruby'ck expressed gratitude as Yzavynne assisted her carefully in sipping the ginger tea.

Leeani asked with concern, checking Ruby'ck's body temperature with her hand, "What were you talking about with the captain, Ruby?"

"Zach. He's thinking of disbanding our group and considering surrendering to Ybael," Ruby'ck shared after finishing the entire ginger tea.

"Wait, what? Disbanding our group? Surrendering himself to Ybael? What's gotten to captain's head?" Leeani exclaimed, disbelief evident in her reaction.

Yzavynne, sharing the disbelief, chimed in, "I can't believe it either. What could lead him to such a decision? We need to talk to him and make him reconsider."

"No, please don't. Zach is our captain, and I believe he's contemplating this decision with a heavy heart at this very moment," Ruby'ck earnestly expressed. 

She continued, "The burden of leadership weighs on him, and I can sense the struggle within him. The thought of disbanding the group and surrendering himself is probably a sacrifice he's willing to make for our safety. It's not an easy decision for him."

Leaning in, Leeani placed a comforting hand on Ruby'ck's shoulder, her eyes mirroring the shared concern. "Ruby, what could be so pressing that he would consider such drastic measures?"

Yzavynne, who had been listening intently, added, "Yeah, we're a family. Why would he think of disbanding us?"

Ruby'ck took a deep breath, her gaze shifting between Leeani and Yzavynne. With a heavy heart, she uttered, "I think Zach is burdened by the weight of our safety. He's contemplating sacrificing our unity to protect us. It's... it's his way of shouldering the responsibility, even if it means facing Ybael alone."

Leeani's brows furrowed with concern, and Yzavynne's eyes reflected a mix of emotions. 

Leeani responded, "No, we can't let him bear that burden alone. We're in this together, and we'll find a way to face whatever challenges come our way. Of course, with Captain included."

"While I can't help but feel the emotional weight of that decision, it wouldn't be fair for us to impose our fears onto Zach's thoughtful judgment. He's proven himself to be astute, and I believe he's considering our collective well-being. Let's patiently await any announcement he may make about our future course of action," Ruby'ck replied, her words a blend of understanding and trust in their captain's wisdom.

Leeani and Yzavynne fell into a contemplative silence, absorbing the weight of Ruby'ck's words. Slowly and deliberately, Ruby'ck rose to her feet with Yzavynne's assistance.

"Let's step outside. I feel better now," Ruby'ck uttered.

"You're not emitting the intense heat you had hours ago when Yzavynne and I were consistently monitoring your body temperature. Just be mindful not to exert yourself too strenuously," Leeani expressed with a blend of relief and caution in her words.

Exiting the tent as dusk settled in, the trio overheard Kazaks, Jiighual, and Nert engaged in a casual discussion while seated on a log. The topic of conversation revolved around Ruby'ck's recent bout of sickness.

Jiighual, with a playful grin, remarked, "Who would have thought that Ruby could be brought down by a simple fever?"

Nert, chuckling, replied, "Well, even the toughest warriors have their weak moments, I suppose."

Kazaks, nodding in agreement, added, "True that. It just shows she's human like the rest of us."

Yzavynne and Leeani, who were by Ruby'ck's side, approached the campfire, decided to join in the conversation.

Yzavynne, looking at Jiighual, Kazaks, and Nert, questioned, "She's doing better now, all thanks to Zachy's swift decision-making and quick thinking."

Leeani, joining in, added, "Right now, she's not displaying any signs of fever."

Jiighual, Kazaks, and Nert, engrossed in their discussion, were interrupted by the unexpected participation of Leeani and Yzavynne, who joined the conversation with Ruby'ck by their side, immediately capturing their attention.

Kazaks, with a mischievous grin, chimed in, "Well, well, well, look who decided to rejoin the land of the living. Feeling better now, Ruby?"

Jiighual, adding to the jest, teased, "We were just discussing how a mighty warrior like you could be taken down by a tiny fever. Is the fever scared of you now?"

Nert, with a playful smile, joked, "I guess the fever realized it's no match for you, Ruby."

"I'm alright now, everyone. No need to worry," Ruby'ck reassured, scanning the area but not spotting Zach.

She inquired, "By the way, where's Zach?"

Yzavynne, with a mischievous grin, teased, "Well, Ruby. I hope you didn't miss Zachy too much during your fever dreams."

Nert and Jiighual exchanged playful glances before Nert chimed in, "Yzavynne, you sound almost jealous." Jiighual joined the teasing with a hearty laugh.

Yzavynne, rolling her eyes, retorted, "Jealous? Please, I'm just stating the obvious. I mean, who wouldn't miss Captain Zach and his leadership during a fever dream?" She added a playful wink, joining in the laughter.

Kazaks eagerly shared, "Captain Zach mentioned he wanted some solitude to plan our next move. He's seated beneath the same tree as before!"

To this news, Ruby'ck responded, "That's reassuring."

In the midst of the ongoing conversation, Leeani appeared lost in contemplation. Recognizing the concern on her face, Ruby'ck inquired gently.

"Leeani, is everything alright? You seem troubled."

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