Covert Expedition- Chapter 37

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Meet Ybael, ruler of the Kingdom known as Drakonium. Despite his title, he shuns the formalities that come with being a king, preferring the battlefield over the throne room. Standing tall at 6 feet and 1 inch, with a weight of 83 kilograms, his presence commands respect.

 Standing tall at 6 feet and 1 inch, with a weight of 83 kilograms, his presence commands respect

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Ybael's face

Introducing Sentinel, the unwavering companion of Ybael, their bond forged through countless battles fought side by side. Standing at a height of 6 feet and weighing 80 kilograms, he is a stalwart defender of their cause.

 Standing at a height of 6 feet and weighing 80 kilograms, he is a stalwart defender of their cause

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Sentinel's face

Meet Nura, the diligent scribe in service to Ybael, the esteemed ruler of Drakonium. Tasked with collecting valuable information and relaying it to the king, she plays a vital role in the kingdom's governance. Despite her scholarly duties, Nura is no stranger to the battlefield, possessing combat skills that rival even Sentinel's, Ybael's steadfast companion. Standing at a height of 5'9 and weighing 62kg, Nura embodies both intellect and strength, a formidable presence in the Kingdom of Drakonium.

 Standing at a height of 5'9 and weighing 62kg, Nura embodies both intellect and strength, a formidable presence in the Kingdom of Drakonium

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Nura's face

Seated on the throne in the expansive room, Commander Ybael scrutinized Sanaage and Xertu as they respectfully recounted their encounter with the Renaissance rebels.

"Yes, Commander. Me and my companion, Xertu, fought the Renaissance rebels. But when we fought them, we only found three of them in the forest. When I first struck from an unseen position, aiming for the head of one of the rebels, her teammate immediately parried and kicked me away. We fought for almost an hour, but we lost," Sanaage said, his head looking down with respect for the presence of Ybael.

"Commander. I'll add this, they managed to kill our colossal war elephant," Xertu added, his head also looking down.

Ybael took a pause to absorb the words of the two warriors.

"Tell me, did he use his claymore sword when you fought the leader of the rebel?" Ybael asked.

"Commander, he did use his sword against me but only in defense, not on offense," Sanaage replied.

"He didn't unsheathe his sword from the scabbard against me and goes all out on hand-to-hand combat, Commander," Xertu added.

"To add, how are you two still alive after having a fight with the Renaissance. A fight with them is a suicide from the experiences of our experienced warriors," Ybael asked again.

Xertu and Sanaage then both took a brief pause to think of what to say.

"Commander, we lack certainty on the matter," Xertu stated, his voice bearing an air of uncertainty.

"All that transpired for me was waking up beside a smoldering forest, my companion unconscious beside me," Sanaage added, his voice resonating with a similar uncertainty.

"The mere fact that these two faced the Renaissance rebels and lived to tell the tale is astounding. How is that even possible?" Sentinel muttered to himself.

"Commander, there's a crucial detail to note. During our encounter with the rebels, one of them underwent a peculiar transformation. A red tattoo manifested on his forehead, adorned with unusual and symmetrical patterns, featuring an eye at its center," Sanaage conveyed with a tone marked by uncertainty.

"A tattoo spontaneously appearing on a rebel's forehead?" Ybael queried, his calm demeanor momentarily disrupted by disbelief.

"Yes, Commander," Sanaage affirmed.

"After an absence of nearly a year, the Renaissance has reappeared, sparing your lives in their initial encounter. And now, the emergence of a mysterious tattoo on one of their foreheads adds another layer to this perplexing enigma," Ybael commented, his words laden with the weight of the unfolding mystery.

Sanaage raised his head to meet Ybael's gaze, and what he saw left him in disbelief.

"Ybael, why are you smiling?" Sentinel inquired with a concerned tone.

"Because, this is becoming intriguing," Ybael replied, a smile playing on his lips.

Sanaage's gaze swiftly drops once more, his eyes avoiding the piercing weight of those spoken words, a subtle reaction to the gravity of the unfolding revelations.

"Dismiss now," Ybael instructed, his voice carrying a commanding weight that resonated through the grandeur of the throne room. The six castle guards promptly guided the two warriors out of the Royal Citadel, leaving Nura standing in contemplative silence. With the heavy gate sealing behind them, Sentinel couldn't contain his bewilderment, questioning Ybael's unusual reaction.

"What was that just now, Ybael? You smiled? Despite the shocking revelation, your calm composure shattered, and a smile surfaced. That, I must say, was more surprising than the information itself," Sentinel expressed, his voice marked by a noticeable tremor.

Ignoring the probing questions, Ybael remained focused, instructing Nura and Sentinel to dismiss.

"Yes, Commander," Nura responded formally, her tone respectful and composed.

"Okay, Ybael," Sentinel replied, his voice tinged with lingering curiosity and disbelief.

As the two complied with formality and left the throne room, Ybael wasted no time. Retrieving a book with a blue cover from a nearby table, he delved into its pages, searching for the truth behind the warriors' revelations.

"Now, this is truly fascinating. It's all written here, as they said. Interesting," Ybael murmured to himself, engrossed in the contents of the book. His eyes scanned through the transcript, confirming the uncanny accuracy of the warriors' accounts.

In the corridor outside the throne room, Nura and Sentinel exchanged perplexed glances, both pondering the enigma that had unfolded in the presence of their esteemed commander.

In disbelief, he continued muttering, "Everything they've said, it's written here." Each page turned revealed a new layer of the unfolding mystery. As he reached the final page, a note caught Ybael's attention.

"In a climactic moment five years after their mysterious disappearance, Ybael brought a decisive end to the conflict, extinguishing the life of the Renaissance rebel's captain, Zach. With unwavering determination, his rapier sword pierced through Zach's chest, severing the lingering shadows of war that had haunted their realm."

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