Eleven: Back Home

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Sirius, Remus, and Nico have finished cleaning and redoing the main floor of 12 Grimmauld Place. The main sitting room now consists of gray walls and white oak floors. Black carpets accent the room with navy blue chairs, the wood on the couches and chairs next to the open fireplace are oak with finish. The house elf heads have been destroyed and the dangerous dark magic has been dismantled and dispelled. The portrait on the wall was cut out of its spot and replaced with a piece of constellations, namely Canis Major, Lyra and Leo, with the stars the three are named after shining brightly.

As the three vapor travel back from Atlantis, they are amazed by how much work was accomplished. Going into the sitting room they see the three men asleep, the married couple resting against the other's head while Nico sleeps on the other love seat, curled up and exhausted.

Making her way to the kitchen, Vega makes a few cups of tea and two cups of cocoa for the boys. Heating the water for the tea she goes to warm the milk for the cocoa, when Nico walks in the room, slumping onto the table, half awake.

"Have fun?" she asks.

"Don't. There were four boggarts in the rooms we tackled today. I hated seeing that."

"It's what they do. They show your worst fears. Did Remus show you how to cast the spell to repel a boggart?"

"Riddikulus, right?"

"Yes. Speaking of ridiculous. Do you know how many sticking charms Mother put on her portrait? How'd you get it down?"

"We cut the part of the wall she was stuck to out and replaced it with the mural Sirius painted."

"He painted that? It's beautiful."

"Part of my therapy with Andy." Sirius says, walking in. "Reggie's home?"

"Yeah. What are you doing awake?"

"After being in Azkaban, I'm a light sleeper. Even with the healing from Mungo's and Cousin Andromeda's mental healing sessions, I have a tough time falling back asleep." 

"I can brew something safe for the baby so you can sleep, if you need me to?"

"There's no need. I usually find him passed out next to the fire at three in the morning. As Padfoot."

"As long as that's the only magic you're using, Sirius. But you need to be more careful. Being a natural animagus can leave one stuck in their form forever if used too often."

His eyes widen. This is new information from his sister. "No more transformations, I swear."

"Now that I'm here Moony won't have to be by himself for the full moon. I'll do the scan as soon as I'm back from dropping Caspian off at Camp."

"Get revived in the Ministry first then the scan."

"Aye aye."

Vega walks out of the kitchen towards the stairs to check on Regulus, only to meet him halfway down the hall. She sees his face and knows what's been going on.

"You need to talk to Sirius, Reg. Tell him why you did what you did."

"He won't understand."

"You think that being in Azkaban for eleven years doesn't make him understand what you've done for him? He was betrayed by someone he believed to be another brother to him."

"Exactly! Another brother! I feel replaceable, Vega!"

"Which is why you need to talk to him. James became your brother because of me. Not Sirius. Me. They were just closer than you two were and are now. Explain why you did it."

He nods, accepting her explanation, but not liking it. Walking downstairs, Regulus makes his way to Sirius, who was still in the kitchen after the others went to bed. Sitting in the chair next to his brother, he sighs before speaking.

"How are you feeling, Siri?" he asks.

"That's not what you want about, and you know it. Tell me why you joined and defected."

"I had found out about his original plans for us. But after making those abominations for immortality, I couldn't stay. It's why I asked Kreature to take me back to where the locket was."

"You didn't have to join in the first place?!"

"I couldn't fight the Imperious after a Crucio, Sirius!" he shouts, shocking his older brother.

"Wh-what?! Why would they Imperio you? You're their favorite!"

"I was the only one left! Vega was never welcomed in the house, so she stayed in the Manor. You left me to fend for myself!"

"I tried to take you with me! You wouldn't come!"

"Because I was already gone!" he huffs. "They Imperio'd me as soon as I walked into my room after school let out for the summer. They got me with potions and then used that curse. You were already down. I tried so hard to fight it off. I just couldn't." Regulus sobs.

"Then how did you get out of serving?"

"They didn't use it all the time, just when they suspected I was trying to seek some kind of help. I stopped trying after a while."

Tears brim Sirius's eyes. "I'm so sorry." he whispers hoarsely. "I'm so sorry I left. If I hadn't, I would've died. I didn't want you to see that."

"I'm sorry too." a voice speaks up. Turning, the two brothers see their sister walking up to them. "If only I checked on you both more often this could have been prevented."

"Even if the Fates planned it?"

"Not even then will they stop me. Now, it's been a long day, so let's get to bed. I'll be in the Lord's room with Nico if you need me."

"Why Nico? Why not Caspian?"

"We've been tortured by mythological beings for days on end. I've died only for time to turn back and be revived, only to be killed from torture. He's been an outcast since he's known who his father is. He's had it much more difficult than I had. At least I had another chance to introduce myself. He didn't. He's got anxiety and depression, along with insomnia. I have insomnia too. Because of the nightmares we get from our time down in the Pit. It's why we sleep so close together. He's only in the bed if he puts himself there."

Remus nods. "We understand, Vega. Get some rest. We'll be going to bed soon too." 

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