Chapter 4 • | 𝓡𝓾𝓲𝓷𝓮𝓭

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Numbness. The only feeling that conquered my body other than anything else. I woke up, slowly opening my eyes as the curtains of my eye lashes welcomed light. I then knew. I was not fucking dead instead I was still alive in this hellhole.

I moved my hand to caress on paining head but soon realized that I was hooked up to a million plastic sensors. Annoyed I pulled the sensors and drips out of my hands my swift movements reminding me that I was in a very dangerous accident. I realized that I had thick layers of plasters around my neck and my arms. I tried to move my legs but failed. A wave of panic washed over me as tears rolled out of my eyes. Suddenly my door swang open revealing my biggest nightmare, Alessandro fucking Russo. He saw me struggling and laid me back down by holding me back by my shoulders.

''You shouldn't get up, you need rest.'' He stated coldly.

''Why do care anyway? I need to go, this hellhole makes me want to gag.'' I said struggling to wipe my uncontrobale tears due to million weird things around my arms and hands. If all the forced marriage shit wasn't enough to cause drama in my life now this fucking accident is a new addition that has left me crippled.

Alessandro came towards me and sat beside me he held my hand as his touch sent waves of electricity through my body. I wanted to retaliate but given my terrible condition I omitted the idea. I turned my face away from him in the opposite direction so I wouldn't have to look at his ugly face. Okay fine! A face that is handsome as hell. A face that my pussy would love to ride!

He sighed, as he asked ''How are you feeling Anastasia?''

''Crippled, I know for a fact that you are not blind yet you can't see how I am feeling? How long have I been out?'' I said coldly sucking a sharp breath.

''One week.'' He stated in a tone that was dripping with concern. I didn't have the courage to ask about my condition. I was scared to hear the words that would imprint on my life.

I chuckled darkly as I said, "Its good. Its great that I am crippled and disabled. You would never want a wife like me."

But his response left me confused and enraged, "Anastasia, your destiny was bound with mine the moment you put the ring on my finger and I know that you are more than aware of how promises work in mafia families like ours. You will be my wife whether you like it or not and your crippled state only turns me on more to take care of you and cherish you and protect you."

Did my heart just a skip a beat?

My eyes went watery again because of his words. I hate my body. Why does my body react like that when he touches me, or speaks to me? Why? But I hate him? Why can't my heart hate him? I felt his warm padded thumbs wipping my tears away. His touch alone gives me peace and silences the storm within my soul but I am too scared to admit that. I am too scared to admit that my soul finds comfort and safety when he is close to me. I looked into his gray pair of eyes which are almost quartz-like. I feel myself lost in those eyes. He is the most beautiful man God has ever created. He brought his face closer to mine as I was hypnotized by those be witching eyes.

''Mrs. Russo?'' I heard a faint voice when Alessandro quickly turned away. I then realized we were millimeters away from kissing.

''Anastasia Fernandez.'' I corrected her while passing Alessandro an icy look. He had me registered as Mrs. Russo?!

''Pardon, Mr. Russo here had you registered as Anastasia Russo. Anyways, Anastasia I am Dr. Talia Rivera and I am your doctor. How are you feeling? your vitals seem to be okay but your heartbeat has an irregular pattern.'' she stated as she checked the monitor and a file that probably is about me.

The Mafia's Obstreperous Bride | 18+ | - (Formerly ''Tamed'')Where stories live. Discover now