Covert Expedition - Chapter 39

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"Captain Zach?"



Such were the words that echoed in Zach's ears, spoken in disbelief by the members of the Renaissance rebels.

Leeani uttered words that pierced through Zach's thoughts, "Captain, why? What was the purpose of all the combat and war training you subjected us to?"

"Because... No. I'm sorry. Truly sorry for involving all of you in this unnecessary war that I initiated. I sincerely apologize," Zach expressed, his eyes locked with the gaze of Leeani.

He pressed on, "But rest assured, I will bring an end to all of this. So you can all live a content life. So you can all embrace a more meaningful existence. A life free from war. A life filled with happiness."

Leeani, with a furrowed brow, responded to Zach's apology, "Captain, I don't get it. Why train us for war if you're just going to apologize and end it? What was the point?"

Zach sighed, feeling the weight of Leeani's disappointment, "Leeani, it was a mistake. I never wanted any of you to endure this. The training was misguided, and I bear the responsibility for leading you down this path."

Leeani, unconvinced, retorted, "But we trusted you, Captain. We followed your orders, believed in your cause. And now, you're telling us it was all a mistake?"

Zach, grappling with the conflict within, replied, "I understand your frustration. I made a grave error, and I can't undo the past. But I promise you, I'll do everything in my power to make things right now."

Leeani, searching for clarity, questioned, "How, Captain? How do you plan to fix this mess you've created?"

Zach, with a determined look, declared, "By putting an end to it. I'll confront the consequences of my actions and ensure a future where you all can find peace and happiness."

The tension hung in the air as both Zach and Leeani grappled with the aftermath of their choices and the path that lay ahead.

Nert, with a skeptical expression, chimed in, "Captain, we've devoted ourselves to your cause. Now, you're saying it was all a mistake? What about the sacrifices we've made?"

Kazaks, crossing his arms, added, "Yeah, Captain Zach! We believed in a future you painted for us! If that was a mistake, then what was the point of it all!?"

Jiighual, with a tone of disbelief, questioned, "So, we're just supposed to accept that our efforts, our struggles, were all in vain?"

Yzavynne, who had been observing silently, finally spoke, "Captain Zach, your decision affects all of us. We need more than apologies. We need a plan, a way forward that makes sense."

Under the weight of his comrades' disapproval, Zach mustered the courage to address them, his voice laden with regret. "I apologize. I never imagined it would come to this. But in this moment, it's the best course of action I can offer."

His gaze turned skyward, where the sun cast its golden rays, but his expression remained troubled. "We must press on, despite the doubts. This decision may seem flawed, but it's the only path available to us now."

Ruby'ck's swift approach caught everyone off guard, her hand poised for a decisive slap. "Zach, can't you feel their anguish? They refuse to part ways, clinging to the strength found in unity. Together, they endure, their bond a beacon of hope amidst adversity."

Her words pierced Zach's soul as he met her gaze. "Zach, I believed in you. I respected your need for solitude to contemplate your decision. But I cannot support this course of action. It doesn't sit right with me. After all the other members have been through together, enduring countless hardships, is this truly how it ends? You brought us all together just to leave us stranded here?"

Kazaks, Leeani, Nert, Yzavynne, and Jiighual stood in silence, observing the exchange between the two.

"Ruby'ck..." Zach's voice broke the tense silence as he met her pained gaze.

"What?" Ruby'ck's voice quivered, oblivious to the tears trickling down her cheeks as she stared at Zach, her brows furrowed.

"You're crying," Zach remarked, his concern evident.

"Don't sidestep the issue. Face it. Talk to me," Ruby'ck urged, her tone firm.

Zach drew in another deep breath, locking eyes with Ruby'ck. "I never wanted any of this. Truly."

"But why did you confess to us then?" Ruby'ck's voice wavered as she wiped away her tears.

"I feared facing death without having lived a life of purpose, without pursuing my true desires. The book guided me here, but it's not what I truly long for. During my moments of solitude, I realized that perhaps the book's conclusion was a signal for me to discover my true aspirations. And that's to protect all of you," Zach confessed, his expression grave.

"You can protect us by not disbanding us and facing Ybael alone," Ruby'ck's voice held a note of desperation.

"But how?" Zach's brows furrowed in confusion.

"By taking your time to consider it. Rushing into a decision won't help. It won't take hours. Instead, it'll take a day or days, even a week, to really think it through," Ruby'ck explained, her tone pleading.

Zach paused, considering her words carefully. "I suppose you're right. We've come this far together, and rushing now won't do us any good."

Ruby'ck's eyes sparkled with newfound hope as she nodded. "Zach, we've faced adversity before, and we've always emerged stronger as a band. Trust in us, in our bond, and we'll navigate this together," she assured, her voice brimming with conviction. "We're not just comrades, we're family, and together, there's nothing we can't overcome."

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