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The bed was empty.

My eyes wandered around,

Eris's shoes were still there. I looked at the drip. It wasn't empty, rather, the drops were leaking through the pipe, falling on the floor. The pillow was roughly on the ground as well, indicating something wrong.

I stepped back, letting my werewolf abilities take over my human form.

Her scent was still here. I frowned but along with her scent, there's another scent here. One I didn't recognize.

My senses tingled and I grabbed the curtain and stepped outside the cubicle. My brows furrowed in confusion as I followed the scent, my footsteps quickening with a sense of urgency. Eris and this unknown scent seemed to be going in the same direction.

Was she being followed? It could simply be something like a nurse taking her to the bathroom but her cubicle wouldn't be in such a rough condition. And I'm sure she would be wearing her shoes if that was the case.

The trail led me down a labyrinth of hallways, the scent growing stronger with each step. The whole hospital was eerily silent. There was a nurse at the reception that I passed through but he was asleep.

I frowned but I didn't have the time to stop and wake him up and ask him why he was knocked out. I needed to get to Eris. I followed the scents that were going to fade soon. Eris's scent seemed to go towards the exit, but she further ran towards a brighter area.

I followed until at last, I found myself standing outside the entrance to the morgue.

Eris's scent was strong here.

I peered inside.

A man in black made his way towards the last storage unit. This can't be good. With a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach, I pushed open the heavy door and stepped inside, the scent of lavender mingled with the sterile aroma of disinfectant and death.

"Who?!" The man in black let the handle go and shot his head at me, "Who are you?!" I didn't answer him and walked towards him, ready to attack.

He must have sensed my intentions, because without a word, he lunged at me with a ferocity that took me by surprise, his movements swift and deadly as he aimed a vicious blow at my head. I ducked just in time, the force of his attack whistling past my ear as I countered with a powerful strike of my own.

The sound of our fists meeting echoed through the room, the force of the impact reverberating through his bones as he fought to maintain his footing. Each blow was met with equal force, the air thick with the sound of grunts and curses as we traded blow for blow in a deadly dance of combat.

Despite the opponent being human he was skilled. But what could he do against a wolf? I punched his chest, which sent him flying to the wall. He hit his back there but got up fast. The light switch was right next to where he had landed and he was dumb enough to switch off the lights.

He then came running towards me again and tried to attack me. Despite the darkness that surrounded us, my senses were heightened to a razor's edge, my instincts guiding me as I fought with all the skill and determination at my disposal. The man wasn't a formidable opponent, his movements were fluid but predictable. He sought to gain the upper hand.

But I refused to back down, my resolve unwavering as I met his attacks head-on. I fought him with my human strength, letting my wolf rest because there was no need to draw any strength from my beast.

He tried to grab my collar and attempt to throw me but I countered his attack. Attacking his arm joint and at the same time I kicked his knee, disorienting him. And then, with a final, decisive blow, I landed a solid hit to the man's jaw, sending him staggering backwards with a grunt of pain. Seizing the opportunity, I pressed my advantage, I took out my claws and was about to kill him when something crossed my mind

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