Between rogues-Fight

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Azef and Lilac glared at each other, their presence casting long shadows against the backdrop of concrete and steel.

"If you don't hand her over, I'll be forced to fight you." Lilac took a battle stance.

"How cute," Azef took his battle stance as well, "You think you can win against me?" He glanced at me, "Step back kitten," He told me, "Go over to that pillar," He looked back at Lilac, "This will get ugly."

I stepped back on my own. I couldn't comprehend it right.

Something is wrong here.

And just as I kept backing away and reached the pillar, Azef spoke, "You want to fight?"

"You're the one who wants to fight," Lilac replied, "You're also the one delusion enough to think the other werewolf packs will ever acknowledge a pack like yours."

"My pack has been recognized by the king." This was the only thing that seemed to offend Azef, "And the king is the only one whose approval we need."

"As if," Lilac rolled his eyes, "You won't be accepted into the society if you aren't recognized by the other Alphas."

Azef didn't seem to like the flow of the conversation, so he changed the topic, "Fighting you will be a hassle,"

Lilac smirked, "What? Afraid you're gonna lose?"

Azef let out a chuckle, "Lose? I'm just thinking what excuse I'll have to give to your daddy." Azef's voice had a clear mocking tone, "After all, you are the spoilt son."

Lilac was pissed. The air crackled with tension, the only sound the soft shuffle of their feet against the debris-strewn floor. I was watching them from afar yet I was getting the chills.

Lilac launched himself forward, a primal roar tearing from his chest, Azef's instincts kicked in. With a dancer's finesse, he shifted his weight, dodging Lilac's thunderous charge. His movements were fluid, almost hypnotic, as he danced around Lilac's onslaught.

But Azef was undeterred. With a ferocious growl, he unleashed a barrage of punches, each blow aimed with deadly precision. His fists moved like pistons, the force behind them enough to shatter bone. Yet Lilac was no stranger to combat. With lightning reflexes, he deflected Azef's strikes, his arms moving in a blur of motion as he countered with calculated precision.

It was hard to keep up with them.

I shook my head.

Can humans fight with this much intensity and speed? I felt scared, and as they exchanged blows, I slipped behind the pillar. I desperately wanted something between me and them.

The rhythm of their fight was like a symphony of violence, each movement was fluid. Azef's punches thundered against Lilac's defenses, the impact reverberating through the building like a drumbeat. But Lilac remained elusive, his footwork was fluid as he swerved around Azef's attacks.

Sensing an opening, Azef lashed out with a bone-jarring kick aimed at Lilac's ribs. But Lilac was already in motion, his body twisting effortlessly out of harm's way. In the blink of an eye, he countered with a swift strike of his own, landing a blow that sent Azef staggering backwards.

I gasped. NO!!!

My heart skipped a beat when I saw a hit land on Azef. It was like I forgot to breathe,

For a moment, time seemed to stand still as they circled each other, their breathing had fastened but both of them seemed fine. Then Azef charged forward this time, determination etched into every line of his face. Lilac met him head-on, their bodies colliding with bone-jarring force as they grappled for dominance.

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