Covert Expedition - Chapter 41

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As the night envelops the camp, the rest of the Renaissance band members seek refuge in their tents, weary from a day of travel and recovery. Meanwhile, Gargeal, standing beside Zach under the veil of darkness, voices his concern about their exposed hideout.

"Seems our sanctuary's no longer a secret," Gargeal remarks, his tone laced with apprehension.

Zach nods solemnly, recounting the encounter with the intruders earlier that day. "Indeed. Three of them initially, then a fellow by the name of Sanaage, armed with a menacing machete."

"And were they a threat?" Gargeal inquires, his brow furrowing with worry.

"The trio posed no real challenge, but Sanaage nearly took Leeani's head off in one swift stroke. Thankfully, Kazaks intervened just in time," Zach replies, his words tinged with gratitude for his comrades' vigilance.

"Aiming for the neck, that's a lethal blow," Ybael adds, his voice carrying a hint of concern for their safety in the face of such peril.

Zach interjected, "Sanaage had a partner named Xertu, taller than you, Gargeal. They even had a war elephant, armored to the teeth, fighting alongside them."

Gargeal inquired, concern etched on his features, "That must've been quite a battle. Are you alright, Zach?"

"We're all unscathed. No bruises, no scratches. But listen, when we subdued them, I found something unsettling. A wanted poster with our faces on it, offering a hefty reward. Ybael's doing. It seems he's lured bounty hunters to our doorstep with promises of gold bars," Zach disclosed.

Gargeal absorbed the news silently, his expression betraying no emotion.

Zach pressed on, "So, have you found a new hideout location?"

"In this mainland, we're out of luck. But we could head north to an island. There's a village there called the Ember Wind village. We could ransack it and claim it as our own," Gargeal proposed, halted by Zach's interruption.

"No. No more bloodshed. I won't stand for it," Zach declared, his gaze unwavering as it met Gargeal's stoic eyes.

"Hmm, that's a departure from your usual stance, Zach," Gargeal remarked.

"I've had my fill of violence. From now on, we find a new path, one without needless killing. Spread the word tomorrow," Zach ordered.

"Understood," Gargeal acknowledged.

"The Ember Wind village, then? A place untouched by the war we've waged across the Eight Kingdoms. Perhaps it holds promise. But remember, no harm must come to its inhabitants. Spread that message too," Zach reiterated.

"Got it," Gargeal affirmed.

"I'm turning in for the night. Keep watch," Zach bid, retreating into the tent.

"Good night, Zach," Gargeal replied dutifully, taking his place on guard duty.

As the night unfolded, Gargeal pondered Zach's sudden aversion to bloodshed. "Zach, weary of killing? After all these years of battle, what's changed?" he mused, his eyes scanning the darkness for any signs of danger.

"Perhaps... perhaps it's not just Zach," Gargeal muttered to himself, his voice barely above a whisper, carrying a weight of contemplation. "Maybe it's time we all reevaluate our choices, our path... The toll of endless conflict, the burden of taking lives... It wears on the soul, leaving scars unseen..."

As dawn broke, the Renaissance members emerged from their tents, ready to face the day ahead

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As dawn broke, the Renaissance members emerged from their tents, ready to face the day ahead. Gargeal stepped forward, ready to address the group about the discussion he had with Zach the previous night. With rapt attention, the members listened intently as Gargeal relayed the details of their upcoming journey.

As Kazaks boisterously exclaimed about the upcoming journey to the Ember Wind Village, his excitement reverberated through the air, infecting the others with his infectious energy.

"EMBER WIND VILLAGE?! SAILING ON A WOODEN SHIP?! HAHAHAHA! THIS IS GOING TO BE A BLAST!" Kazaks exclaimed, brimming with excitement and energy.

"Kazaks, you're already hyped up, and we haven't even had breakfast yet," Yzavynne remarked with a chuckle, amused by his boundless enthusiasm.

The rest of the group joined in, their laughter and banter filling the air as they discussed the upcoming adventure, their spirits lifted by the prospect of new experiences and challenges.

"Hey, Master! Where's the Captain?" Qarek inquired, his voice cutting through the morning air.

"Zach rose earlier than all of you. He's probably down by the river, angling for our breakfast," Gargeal replied, his tone carrying a hint of amusement.

"Without me? Well, I guess the Captain doesn't need my hunting skills anymore. But hey, at least I'll be in charge of cooking the catch," Jiighual remarked with a chuckle, accepting the situation with good humor.

Leeani joined in with laughter, while Nert found himself a comfortable spot for a nap, and Andhur began to play his flute, adding a melodic backdrop to the lively chatter.

"This is quite the scene," Ruby'ck observed with a smile, taking in the camaraderie of her companions.

"Hmm, did you say something, Ruby?" Andhur inquired, pausing in his tune to address her.

"Oh, were you listening, Andhur? I just mentioned how lively it all seems," Ruby'ck replied, meeting his gaze as he settled beside her on a nearby log.

"Well, it is. This atmosphere is indeed lively," Andhur agreed, nodding in acknowledgment.

Amidst the banter and laughter of the Renaissance members, a man, bearing visible wounds, came into view, running toward them with urgency. His cries for help pierced the jovial atmosphere, bringing a sudden halt to their conversations.

"Help! Someone, please!" the desperate cry of the stranger pierced through the air, abruptly silencing the conversations and laughter of the Renaissance members.

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