Covert Expedition - Chapter 42

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Nert jolted awake at the sudden cry for help, his senses sharpening as he scanned the surroundings for any signs of danger.

"Huh? What's going on?" Kazaks exclaimed, his attention immediately drawn to the urgency in the stranger's voice.

The Renaissance members swiftly reached for their weapons, their muscles tensing in anticipation of potential conflict.

"Hold your ground, everyone. Let me handle this," Gargeal commanded, his authoritative voice cutting through the tension as he motioned for the others to stand down.

With a determined stride, Gargeal retrieved his great sword, strapped to his back, and approached the man who was rapidly approaching them.

"I wonder what's happening," Leeani pondered aloud, her gaze fixed on the unfolding scene.

"Don't worry, our master's got this under control," Qarek reassured Leeani, his voice filled with confidence in their leader's abilities.

Meanwhile, Ruby'ck couldn't shake off a sense of unease, her mind troubled by Zach's prolonged absence.

"Andhur, could you accompany me?" Ruby'ck whispered, her voice barely audible to anyone but Andhur.

"Where to?" Andhur inquired, intrigued by Ruby'ck's sudden request.

"To the river. I have a bad feeling about this. The shout originated from near the river, on the East side of our camp. But why hasn't Zach intercepted the man? He should have encountered him by now," Ruby'ck explained, her tone laced with concern and uncertainty.

"Hmm, that is strange. Let's go investigate," Andhur agreed, his curiosity piqued by Ruby'ck's observations.

As the rest of the group engaged in curious conversation, Ruby'ck and Andhur wasted no time, bolting towards the river with a sense of urgency driving their steps.

"Hey! Where are you two off to in such a hurry?" Yzavynne called out, her voice echoing through the camp as she watched them go.

"Ruby! Andhur! Hold up!" Kazaks hollered after them, his confusion evident in his tone.

"Where do you think they're headed?" Leeani wondered aloud, her brow furrowed in perplexity at their sudden departure.

"This doesn't add up," Nert remarked, his keen insight catching onto the anomaly of the situation.

"What do you mean?" Jiighual inquired, his curiosity piqued by Nert's observation.

"The shout came from near the river, yet Zach, who should have been nearby, hasn't intercepted the man," Nert explained, his mind already working to unravel the mystery.

His words hung in the air, prompting the group to pause and contemplate the implications of his revelation.

"Indeed, it does seem peculiar," Leeani reflected, her demeanor betraying the mounting tension that gripped them all.

"Should we intervene, Nert?" Qarek inquired urgently, his tone edged with concern.

"I believe we should exercise caution. Master Gargeal entrusted us to remain here, assuring he will handle the situation," Nert responded, his confidence unwavering.

"Are you certain about this, Nert?" Yzavynne pressed, seeking reassurance.

"To be honest, I'm not entirely certain. The suddenness and mystery of it all give me pause," Nert admitted candidly.

"Let's not waste any time. We should follow Ruby and Andhur!" Leeani declared, a sense of urgency coloring her words.

"Agreed," Jiighual chimed in, his resolve evident as he rose from his seat and readied his weapons.

Without delay, Jiighual and Leeani sprang into action, hastening to catch up with Ruby and Andhur.

"Hey! Wait up! I'm coming too!" Kazaks shouted, joining the pursuit with determined strides.

"Let them be," Nert interjected calmly, his voice a steadying presence amid Yzavynne's exasperation.

Meanwhile, amidst the group's deliberations, Gargeal approached the injured man with a stoic expression, his demeanor calm and collected despite the unfolding situation.

"What brings you here?" Gargeal's voice sliced through the tension, halting the man in his tracks as he confronted the towering figure before him.

"Aghh! A man, he sliced me across my arms and torso with a machete. Please, I beg of you, help me!" The man's voice trembled with fear and desperation, his eyes pleading for aid.

With a firm grip on his great sword, Gargeal leveled it towards the injured man, a silent warning etched into his stance.

"Aghh! What are you doing?!" The man's panicked voice echoed in the air, his eyes widening in disbelief.

"Stay where you are," Gargeal's command cut through the morning air, his movements deliberate as he closed in on the injured stranger, the blade of his great sword gleaming.

"What are you doing?!" The man's voice quivered with uncertainty as Gargeal approached, his eyes darting nervously between the towering warrior and the menacing sword.

Ignoring the man's protests, Gargeal continued his advance, his gaze assessing the stranger's appearance for any signs of danger. Finally satisfied, he strapped his sword on his back and relaxed his stance.

"Where did you come from exactly?" Gargeal's urgency laced his words as he sought answers from the injured man.

Amidst the tension, Ruby'ck, Kazaks, and Andhur hurried to the river's edge, their hearts pounding with worry.

"Where's Zach?" Ruby'ck's voice trembled with concern as she scanned the banks of the river, her eyes searching frantically for any sign of their captain.

"Captain Zach! Where are you!" Kazaks' voice echoed across the water, his shouts reverberating through the stillness of the morning.

Andhur remained silent, his gaze fixed on the rippling surface of the river, his mind racing with troubling thoughts.

"He's gone," Andhur's words hung heavy in the air, sending a shiver down Ruby'ck's spine as she processed the gravity of his statement.

"Gone? What do you mean, Andhur?" Ruby'ck's voice quivered with uncertainty, her mind reeling with fear at the possibility of losing their leader.

Andhur's expression darkened as he spoke, his tone grave. "I mean exactly what I said. Captain is nowhere to be found. It's as if he vanished into thin air."

A cold dread settled over the trio as they grappled with the implications of Zach's sudden disappearance, their thoughts consumed by the mystery that now loomed before them.

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