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🧡🍊Dogday x Catnap🍇💜
'A Drawing for you!!<3'
"Candy come on!!"said the dog to the white cat,Dogday and Candy cat,Drawing.Ever thought that you felt included in the smiling critters when you were with them.Not me though,Isn't wasting energy just making you lose oxygen? I'd rather sleep in both day and night than play with some 'ball' to play fetch.I'm not even a dog either so what's the point? It's like they are both like dogs even if one of them is a cat.I guess they are trying something new which is drawing,good thing I don't have to hear Candy all loud about his 'win-wins'.It can get pretty annoying and other than that dogday just looks...energetic as always..something odd about it though..He looks rather peaceful of some type...
Never mind that..Probably just a random feeling..Mm...Maybe I should sleep..I feel tired..
"Hey Catnap!!"
Yeah...I don't think I want to sleep now that I heard that..But it was not actually a dream..Dogday was actually in front of me saying my name...
"Hey Catnap! Wake up!"
I heard him again..Shaking the tree.. gladly I was already awake but it was silly how he did that to wake me up.. hehe..
I stared at him from up on the tree resting.
"Get down here!! I made you something!" Made me something..?

I got down from the tree leaping off and then standing in posture waiting for what dogday was gonna give me, my tail moving slowly like always.
"Here you go,a drawing for you! To my Bestfriend!"
Wish I was more than that but everything thinks I'm a monster with my voice box not fixed yet...except him..He gave me a sheet of paper. I looked at it seeing a drawing of me and him..
(Drawing on top)
How sweet...
I saw his tail wag happily with a warm smile on his face like always.
"Do you like it ?"
He says again as I kept staring at the drawing.My tail still moving slowly and I nodded.Should I give him something back?.Well I guess it's worth something as precious as this for him to give it to me..
A small one on his cheek.A type of kiss? More like appreciation that I'm giving him.I saw his face light up a bit.A type of shade of red.
"T-that means you like it righ-"
I talked.I spoke.I saw Dogday jump happily as I just kept my posture as he left happily to Candy cat and I smiled warmly for once as I kept looking at the drawing
"I love it as much as I love you.."


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