Covert Expedition - Chapter 45

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As Nert surveyed the surroundings, his impatience grew, waiting for Leeani, Qarek, and Yzavynne.

"Hey, Haerak. Stay here. I'll go find the rest of my companions. They're taking too long. Some of my other companions you just met will be here any moment. Just stay put," Nert instructed Haerak, who nodded in understanding.

"Alright, I'll wait here. Take care, young man," Haerak replied as Nert sprinted towards the river, driven by urgency.

As Nert reached the river, his eyes widened in disbelief at the sight before him.

Nert's heart sank as he stumbled upon Kazaks and Andhur lying injured and unconscious on the ground. "Kazaks? Andhur?!" he muttered in disbelief, his voice filled with concern and urgency.

"HI HI HI HI~ Hello there BOY. Are you THEIR friends?~ HI HI HI HI~" Eldritch's voice echoed with sinister amusement as he turned his attention to Nert.

"Nert, call the others. He's too strong," Ruby'ck urged Nert, her voice strained as Eldritch gripped her hair tightly.

"You monster! Let her go, NOW!" Nert shouted at Eldritch, his fists clenched in fury as he charged forward to confront the assailant.

"Or what?~ HI HI HI HI. You don't EVEN have any weapons with YOU. Do you expect ME to be threatened?!~ HA HA HA HA," Eldritch taunted, his laughter echoing menacingly.

Ruby'ck's pained expression silently pleaded for help as Nert's determination surged, propelling him towards Eldritch despite the odds.

"Foolish boy!" Eldritch's voice boomed as he shoved Ruby'ck aside, sending her sprawling to the ground with a sickening thud, rendering her unconscious.

Closing the gap between them, Nert unleashed a flurry of punches aimed at Eldritch's vulnerable spots: nose, chin, jaw, temple, throat, solar plexus, liver, and floating ribs. However, Eldritch effortlessly evaded each blow with a smirk on his face.

"HA HA HA HA! No weapon, no threat! You're a joke, boy!" Eldritch taunted, his laughter echoing in the tense air as he skillfully dodged Nert's rapid assaults.

Infuriated, Nert gritted his teeth, determined to land a hit on his elusive opponent. "You won't laugh for long," he growled, his fists still flying in a relentless barrage as he pressed the attack, refusing to yield to Eldritch's mockery.

Despite Nert's relentless onslaught, Eldritch remained untouched, his movements fluid and evasive as he danced around Nert's strikes with ease. With each dodge, Eldritch's confidence seemed to grow, fueling his taunting laughter.

"Is that all you've got, little boy? Pathetic!" Eldritch jeered, his voice dripping with contempt as he effortlessly sidestepped Nert's punches. "You can't even lay a finger on me!"

Frustration welled up within Nert as he struggled to land a single blow, his determination overshadowed by Eldritch's mocking laughter. However, despite the odds stacked against him, Nert refused to back down, his resolve steeling as he focused on finding a way to break through Eldritch's defenses.

Jiighual, Leeani, and Yzavynne finally arrived back at the campsite, finding Haerak alone.

"Hey there. Where did the others go?" Leeani inquired, scanning the area.

"The older guy, the blond one, and the big dude," Yzavynne chimed in.

"Oh, them? They're probably out dealing with some troublemakers, according to the young blond guy's instincts. They might still be tangled up in a fight or sorting things out," Haerak explained calmly.

Qarek approached Haerak, offering a jar of honey. "Let us patch up those wounds," he said, mixing honey with water to treat the injuries while Leeani and Yzavynne assisted, carefully wrapping the wounds with clean cloth to staunch the bleeding.

"Feeling any better now?" Leeani inquired as she worked.

"Yeah, a bit. Thank you, all of you," Haerak responded gratefully.

"No trouble at all. We're just glad no one was chasing you when you called for help," Leeani expressed with concern.

Curious about Haerak's injuries, Leeani questioned, "How did you end up with those wounds?"

Once the wounds were bandaged, Qarek, Yzavynne, and Leeani settled around the campfire.

"Well, it all started when some bandits tried to rob me. They threatened to kill me if I didn't hand over anything. Luckily, I managed to escape, though not without getting hurt. I only had my trusty axe with me, as I was gathering logs on the mainland," Haerak recounted, examining his wrapped arms.

Noticing Leeani's furrowed brow, Haerak quickly reassured her. "Don't worry. I outran them. While I may not be a skilled warrior, I am the fastest runner in our village."

"Good to hear," Leeani responded with relief.

Qarek, intrigued by Haerak's presence, struck up a conversation. "So, hey, tell us a bit about yourself. What's your story?"

Haerak, grateful for the company, opened up. "Well, I've spent most of my life in Ember Wind village. My family has been there for generations, working the land and living a simple life."

Yzavynne leaned forward, her curiosity piqued. "What made you leave your village and venture out here?"

Haerak's gaze drifted to the crackling flames of the campfire as he reminisced. "It's been a tough year for us. The crops failed, and resources became scarce. I had to go out and find supplies to help sustain our community."

Leeani nodded in understanding. "That sounds like a challenging situation. How did you end up crossing paths with those bandits?"

Haerak's expression darkened momentarily. "I stumbled upon them while I was out gathering wood. They saw me as an easy target and tried to take advantage of me."

Qarek frowned, empathizing with Haerak's plight. "That must have been terrifying. But you managed to escape, which speaks to your resilience."

Haerak nodded, a faint smile crossing his lips. "Yes, I was lucky to get away. But I'm grateful for the help you've given me here."

As the conversation flowed, the group delved into lighter topics, sharing stories of their backgrounds and experiences, forming a bond forged by mutual understanding and camaraderie.

Interrupting the conversation, Qarek turned to Haerak. "We haven't properly introduced ourselves yet. Mind telling us what your name is?"

Haerak took a moment to gather himself before speaking. "Pleasure to meet you all. I'm Haerak, a villager from Ember Wind village."

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