★ 1: The wedding 💍

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I really can't believe I'm going to get married with Poppy. I am super nervous, and not because I am going to be Poppy's husband, it's because that would make me the king of pop trolls.

I take a look at my suit, adjust my tie and then take a deep breath. My brothers enter the room all at once, in mass, as if they couldn't pass civilly one by one through the door.

-You look amazing, bro! - Says John Dory as he gives me a nice hug.

-Thank you... I am a bit nervous though. - I confessed that looking down to the floor while I was playing neurotically with my fingers.

-Don't worry man! You got this. - Floyd gets close to me and puts his hand on my shoulder, as a manner to tell me that I am safe and nothing will go wrong; he never fails to cheer me up.

Finally, I decide to go to the altar, where I have to wait patiently for Poppy. There was a big crowd, in which if I payed attention, I could see friends and family: my brothers have arrived from my bedroom and had had a seat, there was also Viva, Cooper, Satin and Chenille, Bridget, Gristle and more trolls who are important for us.
There were also cameras, as I was going to be the new King and the Queen Poppy was getting married. To be honest, that didn't help much to the growing anxiety that was starting to appear.

But all my problems disappeared the moment I saw Poppy. She was wearing a white dress with tiny flowers at the end and had a little white crown. She has been always pretty, but today was specially stunning, maybe because I knew that she is going to be my wife in a few minutes.
Before I could notice, she was walking towards me, spreading beauty in every step she made, hypnotizing me in levels I never imagined she could do.

King Pepi was the officiant of the wedding, he asked to me if it did bother me, the fact that he is going to be the officiant, but I said to him that it's ok for me, actually I'm glad he's the one who is doing this.

-Today we are here to celebrate the love between Poppy, love you my sweetheart. - he whispered the last part of the sentence, as if he was saying goodbye to the little Poppy he once met a long long ago. - And Branch, who I'm sure he will make my daughter happy.

I looked at her and she looked at me, then King Pepi continued;
-Branch, will you respect and love Poppy, whether she is healthy or sick until death set you apart?

-Yes, I will. - I grabbed Poppy's hand and I focused in her intense pink eyes, trying to tell her that what I promised was not a lie.

-And you Poppy, will you respect and love Branch, whether he is healthy or sick until death set you apart?

-Yes, I will.

-So now I declare you husband and wife. You can kiss each other. - And then she grabbed my face and put together her lips with my lips. Everyone was screaming and applauding, but I couldn't her them because I was in heaven.
The kiss got more intense and I pull her waist closer to me, I could feel her tongue shyly touching mine, and it didn't take too long for her to gain more confidence and break the wall that somehow was preventing to completely savoring my mouth. I liked it, a lot, but there was the risk to get pregnant right now which I was not going to take right now, although maybe later we could continue with it...

When we finished kissing all the guests and us, obviously, went to a fancy restaurant to have dinner. What can I say, we had fun and everyone was congratulating us. It was a memorable moment, everyone was just having fun and doing silly things, celebrating with us.

-Hey bro, where are you going? - Said Clay trying to start a conversation.

-What do you mean bro?

-You know, for the honeymoon? - I tried to process the question as fast as I could, but if I was sincere, I didn't remind where were we going, I just knew I was going to be with Poppy.

-Oh, I think to every troll country? I don't know bro... 

-You know what do I know bro?

-What? - Perfect instrumental starts sounding, and my other four brothers appear and prepare for dancing - Oh no, please don't make me do this on my wedding day.

-Come on Bitty B, we know you enjoy it, and so you know. - John Dory said to me.

I took the decision to join them and after performing Perfect, we did almost all BroZone's discography. John Dory was right, I enjoyed the time with my brothers, singing and dancing while the guests of my wedding were watching us.
When we finished Bruce asked me if he could tell me something, and I told him that he can tell me anything.

-Ok Branch, I know what is going to happen after the wedding. - Bruce said that with a very serious tone. - You're going to kiss Poppy, and it's normal because, you know, now you are married.

-Bruce, I don't want to talk about me and Poppy kissing right now.

-Okay, but just listen one thing: be careful. I kissed Brandy a lot of times and look how many kids I have now. I'm just telling you this so you can enjoy better your time alone, together. Will you follow my advice?

-Yes bro, I will.

Bruce gave me a hug and went with Brandy and his bunch of daughters and sons. Now I realized he had a lot, so many that I couldn't even count them.

*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*♡*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

After a few hours the celebration ended, so we went to the hotel we booked, in which  we were all alone, and no one could see or hear us. Our honeymoon had officially begun.

We entered the room and it was nice, but all I could notice was that beautiful bed laying calmly on the floor, claiming for someone to sleep in it.

But Poppy and I didn't want the bed only for sleeping.

We peered at each other, as if we were a couple just married that couldn't wait to was to kiss their partner. Oh wait, we are a just married couple, and that's what we are going to do.

Poppy kissed me, and while she was doing that, she drove me to the bed, where she pushed me and kept doing her work. And oh my god, she was really good at it.
I tried my best to be as good as her, and when I archived that goal she tried to kiss better than me, and so now we are trapped in a spiral of pleasure.
If I had any food left between my teeth, it was not there anymore, because Poppy's tongue went through every corner of my mouth.
Any time her and my tongue touched each other it was addicting, I wanted to taste more, I needed more Poppy.

All the night went like this, and between kisses and hugs. The first ray of light peeked out the window.

Without doubts, it was going to be a good honeymoon.

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