From Rags to a Star

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      The city always seemed quiet in the evening, perhaps Elliott was just more aware of it now. The street lights shining in the dark was quite pleasant to look upon. The people here and there, however sparse, did lend the city more charm than Elliott wanted to admit. Elliott's path was mostly unimpeded as he strolled through the quiet streets. The familiar apartment was only a few blocks away now. He could feel the chill of the night on his skin, and yet, for some reason, Elliott welcomed it.

      To change up his usual walk.. Elliott decided to take a little shortcut through an alleyway, but as he walked through, he would slowly stop as he noticed someone. A homeless man? He was elderly, body scrawny and thin. His skin palish and his white/gray hair unkempt and long. He was curled up in the corner of the alleyway seeming to be sleeping, shivering from the cold and his breathing was wheezy with each breath, sniffling softly. It has been a while since Elliott has seen a street person, but he's never seen one so old and fragile before. This man deserved to be in a home and being cared for, not alone and curled up like a scared animal on the streets.

       Elliott hesitated a moment before approaching the man cautiously. This was something entirely new to him. He had never seen someone so helpless or so desperate for help. His breath hitched as he suddenly felt a strange mix of pity and anger for this man. In an instant, he kneeled beside the man and gently shook him awake. "Sir?"

      The elderly man would mutter sleepily, "Ngh..H-huh..?" Before sitting up, seeming unsteady. Look around as if he didn't really remember where he was. He would then look to the young man before him and respond, "U-um.. Yes?" His hands would tremor lightly in place, his body shivering from the cold.

      "Are you okay, sir?" Elliott would ask the elderly man gently. It was obvious that the man was in need of some assistance. He appeared to be in a state of distress, and his pale skin was a testament to how cold he was. The man seemed confused as if he didn't know where he was. Elliott's heart ached for this lonely stranger.

      The elderly man would be silent for a moment as he looked around at his surroundings before shaking his head gently. "I don't think so.. It's really cold and dark. Where-..?" He would pause, looking down to the ground. "Huh.. Where did everyone go? We were having such a nice picnic.." He would mutter to himself.

      Elliott's heart sank. This man was in denial, probably to cope with his current situation. He seemed to think he was at some sort of picnic, when actually, he was completely alone and lost. It was difficult for Elliott to process the man's mental state and he felt an instant wave of empathy towards the elderly man. "..Would you like me to help you find your way back to the picnic?"

      The elderly man would look up quickly, "O-oh, yes, please! I'm sure everyone is waiting for me." He would say with a gentle yet weak smile of gratitude.

      Elliott couldn't help but smile. The man was clearly delusional, but his optimism was contagious. "Of course, allow me to help you stand up." The man was so frail and weak that Elliott worried he might collapse if he wasn't careful. With gentle assistance, Elliott hoisted the man to his feet.

      "T-thank you.." The elderly man would thank, letting the young man help him to his feet. Then following slowly as he was led out of the alley. Still confused by his delusion that he was going to be led to his imaginary picnic. As he walked with the young man, he would talk about the picnic and what was there to offer. Talk about his family and friends who were supposedly waiting. It was like he was stuck in the past, believing his family and friends were still there for him.

      Elliott listened to the man's rambling with growing concern. It was clear the man's mental state has progressed to a point where he was completely in his own world. He spoke about the picnic and his family and friends, but Elliott knew that none of it was real. Instead, he was walking an old, delusional man to an unknown destination as he rambled on about the past. Elliott wondered whether he should tell the man the truth or if it would cause the man further distress.

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