Twelve: Wizengamot Meetings and Revivals

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Members of the Wizengamot murmur in the courtroom, called to an emergency meeting by an esteemed member of their body. Amelia Bones resides over this delegation of witches and wizards on this day.

Amelia slams her gavel down, conducting the first order of business. "Is there anyone here to claim seats?"

"I do." a melodic voice claims. Heads turn to the owner of the voice. Her blue hair gives those of her past recognition. "I, Vega Perseus Potter nee Black, hereby claim the rights to vote for the houses as follows: the Most Ancient and Wise House of Ravenclaw; the Most Ancient and Noble House of Black; the Most Ancient and Most Noble House of Potter and the Most Royal House of Atalanta. So I vow, so mote it be!"

Shock fills the room as the declaration is made. Muttering starts up once more as Vega speaks again. "I hold the proxy to Gryffindor and Peverell, as well as Slytherin by right of conquest. Therefore, those houses are to be counted as my own until the heir is of age."

"Now, just one minute, here Ms. Potter-"

"Lady Potter-Black, Minister Fudge." She cuts the man off. "I called this meeting to not only revive myself in the eyes of the law, but to clear one Sirius Black of alleged crimes and to put rumors to rest.

"First of all, I was the woman who married James Potter. Not Lily Evans. Mr. Dumbledore had used a widespread obliviate on the whole of the United Kingdom and altered those who came into contact with me. Essentially, he erased me from existence.

Secondly, I was the one to cast the Fidelius on Peter Pettigrew, not Sirius Black, as it was his idea. He was thought to be too obvious because I am his sister. From what I know, Peter betrayed us and gave their location to the Dark Lord.

And finally, my son was not named Harry James Potter. He was named Caspian Jameson Potter-Black. Dumbledore had meddled with his mind as well as placing a glamor on my child to look more like James when he looked more like me, except more masculine.

I swear on the Styx and my magic that everything just stated has been the entire truth, so mote it be." a glow of her wand and thunder rolling overhead seals and proves that the truth has been told.

Fudge, in his shock, staggers back at the vows made. Straightening up his suit, he asks the woman a simple question. "How are you alive?"

"I wasn't at home the night they were murdered. I was in America, working as an auror for MACUSA, to fulfill the treaty the previous administration had written. I had felt James die that night, as we had been soulmates. Now, I am working on healing my son from a family that should not have ever had contact with our world as they were muggles.

Muggles that put my son in a cupboard under their staircase to keep him hidden. Where blood protections that have been placed do not work because they are not blood related. A family that beat my son into submission so Dumbledore would have a weapon!"

"That is an accusation, Lady Potter-Black!"

"How else would he have gotten there?! James died, Sirius was thought a traitor, Peter was thought dead, and Remus is a second-class citizen. Since Lily was also there that night, he made the assumption that my child was hers. With that assumption, he placed my son with a family that I am not remotely related to. That blood ward he boasts about, it only works if those the spell is cast on are blood related."

"And since Lily was presumed the mother, Caspian was sent to her sister?"

"Exactly. Petunia and Lily Evans were orphaned and taken in by a mundane couple a few years after Petunia turned eight. They were the only blood they had. While Lily had magic, Petunia did not. I wonder if Dumbledore had blocked her magic core like he had done with Caspian."

Gasps of shock resonate through the courtroom. "He blocked a child's core?!" Amelia thunders.

"I originally came in today to claim my seats and revive myself in front of the Ministry. Now I see this is now a trial. I had my bank manager collect everything from the night my husband died to now."

Gathering her thoughts, Amelia makes a decision. "In the eyes of the Ministry and the wizarding world, we have recognized Vega Perseus Potter nee Black as alive and healthy. We recognize the loss of a soulmate and loved one. We at the Ministry allot Mrs. Potter five thousand galleons and the approval for renovation of the Godric's Hollow home." With a slam of her gavel, Amelia dismisses the Wizengamot.

Vega stands, tears in her eyes as she leaves the courtroom. Gaining the money and the deed to their home in Godric's Hollow, she leaves for Grimmauld Place. Using the floo to come back into the home, she is met with five pairs of eyes all staring at her.

"Well? Who's ready for the best quidditch game in your lifetime?" 

It's a bit shorter than the others, I had lost my train of thought in this chapter multiple times and never finished it till now. I'm going go to the quidditch world cup chapter of the Goblet of Fire and write the next chapter soon.  

For those who are wondering, I may put in a Severus centered chapter in soon also. I just haven't made a decision on that idea yet. 

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