Covert Expedition - Chapter 46

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"What's the matter, blondie? HA HA HA HA!~ Are you finished already, just like your pals? Oh no no no! Don't throw in the towel just yet! I'm not done having fun with you!" Eldritch's voice echoed with manic laughter as he brandished his spear, a sinister smile etched across his face.

Nert struggled to catch his breath, his body growing weaker with each passing moment, blood seeping from his wounds, fatigue evident in his weary eyes.

"Agh!" Nert grunted in pain, his voice strained.

Surveying his own bloodstained body, he couldn't help but wonder, "Is this how it ends for me?"

Glancing towards Eldritch, who remained unscathed, not a drop of blood on him, Nert felt a surge of frustration and desperation.

"What's the matter, kid? Losing steam already?" Eldritch taunted, his smile sending shivers down Nert's spine as he advanced menacingly.

As Nert's gaze shifted to his fallen comrades—Kazaks, Andhur, and Ruby'ck lying motionless on the ground—he knew he couldn't afford to give up, not when their lives depended on him.

"I won't let you get away with this," Nert muttered through gritted teeth, determination flickering in his eyes despite his weakened state.

Eldritch's laughter only intensified at Nert's defiance. "Oh, such spirit! I love it! But let's see how long you can keep it up, shall we?"

Struggling to rise to his feet, Nert steadied himself, his mind racing for a plan. "I won't let you hurt them anymore," he declared, his voice trembling with resolve.

Eldritch merely smirked, twirling his spear with practiced ease. "Oh, but that's exactly what I plan to do. After all, what's the fun in letting them off so easily?"

With exhaustion etched into his weary eyes, Nert muttered softly to himself, a somber realization settling over him. "To perish without leaving a mark, without a purpose... it's a melancholy thought. But if today is to be my final day, then let it be for something worthwhile, however small."

Nert's words hung heavy in the air, filled with resignation and a quiet determination. As he contemplated his fate, his voice quivered with emotion as he whispered, "I may not have achieved great deeds or left a lasting legacy, but perhaps in this moment, I can find some semblance of meaning, some shred of purpose in my final act."

Suddenly, a tattoo materialized on Nert's skin, mirroring the unique symmetrical pattern with an eye at its center, akin to the one adorning Kazaks.

Eldritch's demeanor shifted abruptly as he halted in his tracks, his maniacal grin fading at the sight of the tattoo on Nert's forehead

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Eldritch's demeanor shifted abruptly as he halted in his tracks, his maniacal grin fading at the sight of the tattoo on Nert's forehead.

Observing Eldritch's sudden change, Nert couldn't resist a taunt. "Are you intimidated by a boy bleeding profusely and losing strength by the moment?"

Annoyed, Eldritch muttered a curse under his breath, his bravado wavering.

Despite the newfound enhancement to his senses from the tattoo, Nert couldn't shake the feeling of unease at the absence of Zach, and his comrades lying unconscious.

With a surge of determination, Nert wasted no time in lunging towards the motionless Eldritch, aiming to submit him.

Eldritch unleashed a flurry of spear strikes at Nert, yet Nert adeptly evaded each one, despite his ongoing bleeding.

"Is that all you've got?" Nert taunted, his adrenaline fueling his agility.

Grimacing, Eldritch doubled his efforts, thrusting the spear with renewed vigor, aiming to land a decisive blow.

Nert, undeterred, danced around the attacks, his movements fluid and precise, seeking an opening to exploit.

As Eldritch's strikes intensified, Nert's senses sharpened, his focus honed on predicting each move.

"Your swings are getting slower," Nert remarked, his voice laced with confidence as he deftly sidestepped a thrust.

Eldritch, frustrated by Nert's agility, growled, his determination flickering in the face of Nert's resilience.

Nert seized the moment, lunging forward with calculated precision, aiming to disarm Eldritch and end the confrontation.

Despite Nert's agile defense, Eldritch managed to land a solid punch to Nert's face, causing him to stagger backward, his spear discarded on the ground.

"Surprised that I can hold my own without a weapon? Don't underestimate me," Eldritch taunted, his movements swift and purposeful as he closed in on Nert with a lethal intent.

Reacting swiftly, Nert raised his arms in a defensive stance, bracing himself for Eldritch's assault.

Eldritch launched a flurry of punches - jabs, hooks, uppercuts, crosses - in rapid succession, aiming to overwhelm Nert with his aggressive combination. Despite the onslaught, Nert managed to block most of the blows with his raised arms, dodging some of them with nimble footwork.

As Eldritch continued his relentless assault, Nert found himself gradually being pushed back, each blow delivering a jarring impact against his defenses.

"Give it up, boy! You're no match for me!" Eldritch snarled, his voice laced with contempt as he pressed his advantage, driving Nert further towards the edge of defeat.

Nert gritted his teeth, feeling the strain of Eldritch's relentless barrage. But even as fatigue weighed heavily upon him, a glimmer of determination flickered in his eyes.

"I won't... give in... so easily," Nert gasped between clenched teeth, his voice strained with effort as he fought to hold his ground against Eldritch's overwhelming onslaught.

With a surge of adrenaline, Nert seized upon a fleeting opportunity, deflecting one of Eldritch's punches and swiftly maneuvering into a counterattack. With a lightning-quick movement, he delivered a precise strike, aiming for a vulnerable spot on Eldritch's torso.

The blow landed with a resounding impact, causing Eldritch to stagger back, momentarily stunned by the unexpected turn of events. Sensing an opening, Nert pressed his advantage, unleashing a flurry of strikes with renewed vigor, each blow fueled by his unwavering resolve.

"You... underestimated me," Nert growled, his voice tinged with defiance as he pressed forward, his movements fueled by a potent blend of determination and desperation.

As Eldritch faltered under the relentless assault, Nert's confidence surged, his every movement calculated and precise as he fought to claim victory against his formidable opponent. And in that pivotal moment, amidst the chaos of battle, Nert emerged triumphant, his indomitable spirit shining brightly amidst the darkness of uncertainty.

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