Chapter Thirty-Three | Okaminoou

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The redwood forest was silent. Elijah stared out the window while Jake drove, cautiously searching for any movement beyond the treeline. They didn't pass a single town or village—there weren't even any houses. It was just a long, winding patch of massive forest.

He considered sleeping for the rest of the ride, but for some reason, he still felt hesitant. It was like his instincts were telling him not to take the risk of seeing that distorted man again. Why? Who was he? And why were his instincts convinced that he was a danger?

"Turn here," Zoe told Jake when they reached a split in the road.

Jake did as she told him.

"And then in there," she said, pointing to a narrow dirt road hidden between the ginormous trees.

With a nod, Jake turned and followed the passage deeper into the woods. "We're uh...not gonna run into the pack that lives out here, are we?" he asked, glancing at the girl.

"Probably not. If we did, though, they work for the Nosferatu; they wouldn't harm us," she told him.

"You, maybe. But me? I'm a rogue lycan in their territory."

"You'll be fine," Zoe muttered irritably.

"If you say so."

Zoe sighed quietly in response and stared out the window.

The narrow road went on for a while, and there was nothing but trees to be seen. When they eventually reached the airstrip, the towering forest didn't thin out, but the runway itself was a clear, flat piece of land hidden between the giant redwoods with just enough space between the treetops for the small, black private jet waiting ahead of them to land and take off through.

"Just park by the tree line," Zoe instructed.

Jake pulled over and parked by one of the trees.

Elijah grabbed both his bags, and Zoe and Jake picked up their things, too. Then, the three of them got out of the truck, and as the girl led the way, they headed towards the jet.

The demon pulled his hood over his head, hiding his white hair. He was certain that the pilot was going to ask who he was; he just hoped that Zoe could convince him that he was just another friend or something that wouldn't arouse suspicion.

When they got to the jet, the stewardess greeted them all with a pleasant smile. Zoe climbed inside first, and Elijah followed behind her.

The pilot, who was standing by the open door to the cockpit, greeted the girl with a tilt of his hat and said, "Afternoon, Miss Reiner."

"It's nice to see you, Jerry," Zoe replied as Elijah and Jake both squeezed past her into the aisle. "How are you doing?"

"Great," he replied. "I left your favourite snacks on the table. I also see you've brought Mr. Evencrest with you, too. And...someone new?" he asked as he pulled out a small notepad from his back pocket.

Elijah slumped down in one of the seats and placed his bags on the one beside him, and then he set his eyes on Zoe, waiting for her to answer the man.

"Oh, that's our new friend...Alex," she said, glancing at Elijah. "Alex White."

Jerry nodded as he scribbled into his notebook. He then stuffed it back into his pocket. "So, we're heading to the Citadel. ETA is around 3 p.m.," he said.

"Thank you," Zoe said, and then she took her seat on the other side of the plane opposite Elijah. She put her bag down, and her rat-dog scurried out and sat in her lap.

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