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**just some clarification before we get into the first chapter! :D first, we need the time point. And that isssss..... The day after [SPOILER ALERT] kirumis execution! Now, we need just some hints on kokichis past, so, I'll put the first one in emojis, try guess it!


Now, the next one! Hmmmm.... I'll leave that for you to figure out! Bye bye!**


Ugh..... The stupid monokuma announcement... Hate that shitty ass bear. What the fuck does he want now? I don't even want to get up... Ugh, fuck it. I'm getting up.


As kokichi slowly got out of bed, still feeling the pain in his stomach from last night, he tried to figure out what monokuma wants. After he'd gotten up, kokichi walked to the dorms' bathroom, being careful not to trip over the rubber ring and other things strewn around the room. But, despite his efforts, kokichi found himself on the floor.


For fucks sake.... Ugh. I'm already in pain, now this? Ugh... I hate today. I guess I have to get up though, because it'd be weird if I wasn't there. But the floor is quite comfy.....


I'd finally managed to get ready, horray to me I guess. Ugh, I absolutely hate binders. Absolutely, fucking, annoying. You literally spend an eternity trying to get the damn thing on, then it isn't even on correctly! Ugh, doesn't help that I look like a cross between a zebra and a human because of my stomach.

Jesus, didn't even know it was already time for breakfast. I hate that stupid facade, I absolutely hate it. I hate that I have to act like this, I hate that I have to act like this fucking game is fun, I hate everything about me. I haven't even eaten in days because I couldn't bring myself to after acting like that. The only good thing in my life is shuichi. He's so hands- wait, what? I'm not gay!

I guess I have to go to that stupid dining hall.... Ugh...


kokichi slapped himself a few times in the mirror, getting himself in the mood to put on that facade he oh so hated. He eventually was ready to go out so he put his hands behind his head and skipped out of his dorm room, making humming noises as he skipped toward the dining hall, no doubt getting glares from his classmates heading to the same place.

Once arriving, kokichi slammed the door open, greeting his classmates with a "Goooooood morning!!~" as if two people hadn't just died the previous day. He no doubt gained murmurs such as "of course he's alive" and "ugh". Kokichi paid no notice to these comments, as he sat down with a small plate of food next to gonta gokuhara.


I'd sat next to gokuhara-kun, he probably doesn't notice that I have literally no food on my plate. I kept my grin on my face as I spoke. " why hello there gokuhara-kun~"
"Gonta says hello to friend kokichi!"
Why on earth does he speak like that.... Its annoying. "Sooo, gokuhara-kun! What're you planning today?~"

"Gonta wanted to go to gontas lab! Would friend kokichi like to come too?"
Ew... Bugs.
"Nihihi~ sure I'd like to come! It's sooooo not boring~"
"Friend kokichi wants to come (GO BACK TO HORNY JAIL) with gonta to gontas lab!"
Okay... Why the hell is saihara-chan walking over here?
"Ah... Actually gokuhara-kun.. I'd like ouma-kun to come with me for a moment" oh.. He wants me to go with him.. "Oooo~ what dirty things does saihara-chan want to do with me~?" I followed with a giggle, earning quite a flustered face from him.
"O-ouma-kun! Th-thats not why I need you..."
"I know~ just teasing~ or is that a lie~? You'll never know~"
"Just come with me... "

I'd then got up and followed saihara-chan to the.... Courtyard? Meh... Whatevs..
"Soooo~ what do you want~?"
"Ah... I just wanted to kn-"
I'd zoned out then.. An unbearable tightness in my chest.. The overwhelming need to cough... It decided to run off into a random room, luckily nobody there.

I quickly coughed, it wouldn't stop... There was something in my throat.. I couldn't breathe... I had to cough... I won't die!

After what felt like ages.. I finally stopped coughing. 'Finally' I mumbled under my breath.. But there was something on the floor.. Was that....bluebell pettles? With blood? Its probably nothing.. Just then... Monokuma and the monokubs appeared on the screen in the corner.. Asking us to go to the gym for a new motive. Great. Just. Great.

**hey there! Cliffhanger alert! I wonder if you guessed the things about kokichi.. Hehe! Also, for the readers who read the previous version of this chapter: I hated the old version and decided to change it! Soo... Don't murder me in a bathroom! Get it? Anygays.. I wonder what the motive, or, motives will be! Welp, you gotta wait! Bai Bai! See you soon**
Word count: 858

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