PART 2 🦋

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?? Pov :

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?? Pov :

"How rude," I muttered under my breath, my frustration simmering as I made my way towards the house. "People these days don't even know how to say thank you."

Reaching the door, I rang the bell, but instead of a prompt response, I heard sobbing and crying from within. Confusion crept over me as I waited for a reply.

"W-who is it?" came a shaky voice from behind the door, catching me off guard.

"It's me," I replied, my tone softening slightly. "Yesterday, you forgot your diary on the bus, so I came to return it to you."

There was a moment of silence before I heard her voice again, this time more composed. "Thank you. Can you please keep it there?"

I obliged, placing her diary in front of the door, but her reluctance to open it left me puzzled. "Is something wrong, miss?" I asked, concern creeping into my voice. "You can share with me if you'd like."

Her response was a curt denial. "No, nothing happened. You can leave."
Shrugging off my thoughts, I turned away.....

"Zara!" I heard my best friend calling me as I turned towards her, a smile tugging at the corners of my lips as I made my way over to where she stood, waving her hand excitedly.

"Did you get what you needed, Rose?" I asked, my voice muffled behind my veil as I greeted her.

Rose giggled in response, her laughter infectious as she nodded enthusiastically. "Yes, everything I needed..!!

"Now come on, you're going to be late for your interview, girl," Rose exclaimed, grabbing my arm and pulling me along with her towards the bus stop. I couldn't help but laugh at her enthusiasm as we hurriedly made our way to the bench, taking a seat and waiting for the bus to arrive.

As we sat side by side, the anticipation of the interview weighed heavily on my mind.... rose reached out and squeezed my hand reassuringly.

"Don't worry, Zara, you've got this," she said, her voice filled with confidence. "You're going to nail that interview and land the job of your dreams."
I couldn't help but smile gratefully at her
I reached into my bag and retrieved my rosary, feeling its smooth beads between my fingers as I began to recite my dhikr. With each repetition, I felt a sense of calm wash over me, the familiar words grounding me in the present moment.

As I focused on my prayers, I couldn't help but notice Rose beside me, absorbed in her phone.
Feeling the gentle tap on my shoulder, I glanced up to see Rose gesturing towards the approaching bus. With a nod of acknowledgment, I carefully stowed away my rosary and rose from the bench, following her lead as we made our way towards the waiting vehicle.

As we boarded the bus, I took a moment to offer a silent prayer of gratitude, thankful for the timely arrival of our transportation. Finding an empty pair of seats, Rose and I settled in, the familiar hum of the engine lulling us into a comfortable silence.

Journey to Faith//JJk FFWhere stories live. Discover now