Covert Expedition - Chapter 52

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"Commander Ybael! The kings from the Kingdom of Aetheria, Sunridge, and Elysium have arrived!" Nura informed Ybael, who was seated on the throne, his expression serious yet anticipatory.

Acknowledging Nura's report, Ybael stood up from his throne, his demeanor composed and determined. "Ensure the council room is immaculate and ready for their arrival. Then, guide the kings to the room. I'll join them shortly," he instructed, his voice firm with authority.

As Nura swiftly departed to attend to the arrangements, Ybael took a moment to collect his thoughts, feeling the weight of responsibility resting on his shoulders. This meeting was a pivotal moment, a chance to forge alliances and secure the future of their realm.

Meanwhile, Sentinel, Ybael's spirited companion, couldn't contain his excitement. "YAHOO! A FIRST OFFICIAL MEETING WITH THE KINGS FROM OTHER KINGDOMS!" he exclaimed, his enthusiasm echoing through the halls.

Ybael cast a stern glance at Sentinel, his expression softening slightly. "Shh, Sentinel. In the presence of the kings, we must show respect and decorum. It's imperative to maintain a dignified demeanor," he reminded him, his tone gentle yet authoritative.

Sentinel nodded eagerly, understanding the gravity of the situation. "Got it!" he replied, toning down his exuberance in deference to Ybael's guidance.

As preparations were finalized and the council room awaited the arrival of the esteemed guests, Ybael and Sentinel made their way to join the gathering, their minds focused on the diplomatic discussions that lay ahead.

Introducing Thalorin, the esteemed ruler of the Kingdom of Aetheria. Standing tall at 6 feet and 3 inches, with a weight of 86 kilograms, his imposing stature demands reverence.

 Standing tall at 6 feet and 3 inches, with a weight of 86 kilograms, his imposing stature demands reverence

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Thalorin's face

Next, we have Solarius, the esteemed ruler of the Kingdom of SunRidge. Standing at 6 feet and 2 inches, weighing 87 kilograms, his presence exudes authority and respect.

 Standing at 6 feet and 2 inches, weighing 87 kilograms, his presence exudes authority and respect

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Solarius' face

And finally, we have Lydian, the esteemed ruler of the Kingdom of Elysium. Standing at an impressive 6 feet and 5 inches, with a weight of 88 kilograms, his commanding presence inspires awe and deference.

 Standing at an impressive 6 feet and 5 inches, with a weight of 88 kilograms, his commanding presence inspires awe and deference

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Lydian's face

"Ladies and gentlemen, esteemed guests, and honorable council members, I humbly request your attention. It is with utmost honor and privilege that I formally introduce to you the esteemed rulers of our neighboring kingdoms, who have graced us with their presence on this auspicious occasion," Nura began, her tone carrying a sense of formality and respect.

Continuing her introduction, Nura declared, "First and foremost, I have the esteemed honor of presenting His Royal Highness, King Ybael, the sovereign ruler of our beloved kingdom." As she spoke, she gestured towards King Ybael, who acknowledged the applause with a dignified nod.

"Next, it is my distinct pleasure to introduce His Majesty, King Thalorin, the esteemed ruler of the illustrious Kingdom of Aetheria," Nura announced, her words echoing through the chamber. Despite the applause, King Thalorin maintained his composed demeanor, acknowledging the recognition with a subtle nod.

"In addition, I have the honor of presenting His Excellency, King Solarius, the esteemed ruler of the renowned Kingdom of SunRidge," Nura continued, her voice carrying across the room. King Solarius, though receiving applause, maintained a regal air as he acknowledged the acknowledgment with a gracious nod.

"Last but certainly not least, it is with great reverence that I introduce His Eminence, King Lydian, the revered ruler of the esteemed Kingdom of Elysium," Nura proclaimed, her words carrying a sense of deference. As she spoke, King Lydian's expression remained stoic, his gaze meeting the eyes of the other kings with a hint of reservation amidst the applause.

Concluding her introduction, Nura stated, "May their presence here today signify the beginning of a prosperous and harmonious dialogue, as we convene to discuss matters of mutual importance and benefit to all our kingdoms."

"Let's dispense with the formalities, shall we? Good day, King Ybael. Have you managed to capture any of the Renaissance rebels yet, as per your mission set months ago?" King Lydian's question cut through the air, direct and without preamble.

"It's rather impolite to begin the meeting in such a manner, King Lydian," King Solarius interjected calmly, his disappointment evident in his tone at Lydian's abrupt approach.

Meanwhile, King Thalorin remained silent, observing the exchange unfold with an air of detached interest.

Ybael closed his eyes briefly, taking a deep breath before responding, "No, King Lydian, we have not yet apprehended them."

"What? You mean to say, despite bearing the title of the Core's protector, you and your men have failed to capture them?" Lydian pressed further, his tone edged with frustration.

Ybael's response was measured, unruffled by Lydian's confrontational tone. "Their exceptional combat prowess and cunning tactics have made them elusive. They've proven adept at evading capture, making our task challenging."

"So, what exactly is the purpose of claiming the title of the Core's Protector if you cannot neutralize the greatest threat to our kingdoms? The citizens of my realm continue to suffer from the fallout of their actions. We are still reeling from the aftermath of the war, and their impact on my kingdom has been profound," Lydian's voice rose, echoing with frustration and concern.

"King Lydian, I assure you, we are diligently working towards resolving this matter," Ybael responded calmly, his assurance carrying a note of determination.

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