Covert Expedition - Chapter 56

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Haerak announced his return with gusto as he disembarked from the wooden ship, the villagers' eager eyes following his every move.

"Chief Haerak, welcome home!"

"We're glad to have you back, Chief!"

"You were sorely missed, Chief!"

"How was the journey, Chief?"

"We've been counting the days, Chief!"

"How was the voyage, Chief?"

As Haerak stepped onto the shore, he was greeted by a chorus of welcoming voices from the Ember Wind villagers, their enthusiasm palpable.

"Ah, it's good to be back, folks," Haerak replied, grinning from ear to ear at the warm reception.

"Hey, look who's finally graced us with his presence," Lyra teased, nudging Seraphina playfully.

"Welcome back, Haerak! We've been holding down the fort without you," Seraphina chimed in, her tone laced with mock seriousness.

"Ah, you two! Can't say I've missed the sarcasm," Haerak quipped, wrapping them both in a bear hug that threatened to squeeze the air out of their lungs.

"Heh, someone's feeling extra affectionate today," Lyra chuckled, squirming slightly in Haerak's grasp.

"Hey, don't be jealous, Lyra. There's plenty of Chief Haerak to go around," Seraphina teased, earning a laugh from Haerak himself.

As they exchanged banter and laughter, it was clear that Haerak's return had brought a sense of joy and camaraderie back to the Ember Wind village, and there was no shortage of playful antics to go around.

Behold Lyra, the esteemed female hunter who reigns supreme in the ranks of Ember Wind's hunters. Celebrated for her unparalleled agility, endurance, and prowess in scouting and hunting, she wields her trusty spear with deadly precision. Standing tall at 5 feet 5 inches and weighing 51 kilograms, she embodies the epitome of skill and strength among her peers.

 Standing tall at 5 feet 5 inches and weighing 51 kilograms, she embodies the epitome of skill and strength among her peers

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Lyra's face

Introducing Seraphina, a revered shaman hailing from the village of Ember Wind. Renowned for her mastery of ancient rituals and practices, she harnesses the power of herbal remedies, ritualistic massages, divination, and energy healing to aid those in need. Standing at a modest 5 feet 2 inches tall and weighing 45 kilograms, she commands respect and admiration within her community.

 Standing at a modest 5 feet 2 inches tall and weighing 45 kilograms, she commands respect and admiration within her community

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Seraphina's face

"Hey there, everyone! Good to be back," Haerak greeted warmly, acknowledging the villagers' welcome.

Lyra, ever vigilant, tightened her grip on her spear, eyeing the newcomers with suspicion. "Hold up, who are these guys?" she whispered to her fellow hunters, prepared to defend their village at a moment's notice.

"Relax, Lyra, they're just our guests," Haerak reassured her, chuckling at her defensive stance.

"Guests? With those weapons?" Lyra raised an eyebrow skeptically, still clutching her spear tightly.

As the Renaissance rebels stepped onto the shore, their imposing figures and battle scars sent a shiver down the spines of most villagers, except for Lyra and a few brave hunters.

"Hey there, folks! Kazaks here, ready to make some friends!" Kazaks boomed, flexing his muscles and causing some villagers to cower in fear.

"Could you try not to scare them, Kazaks?" Leeani rolled his eyes, trying to maintain some semblance of order.

"Yeah, we're not here to start a riot," Qarek chimed in, flashing a mischievous grin.

Yzavynne chuckled nervously, attempting to ease the tension. "Maybe we should work on our entrance next time."

Nert, Jiighual, and Andhur exchanged amused glances, clearly finding the situation entertaining.

Meanwhile, Gargeal remained silent, observing the chaotic scene, content to let the others handle the introductions.

"Relax, everyone! Kazaks may look like a mountain of muscle, but deep down, he's as gentle as a kitten," Leeani teased, earning a mock offended look from Kazaks.

"Gentle as a kitten? I'll have you know, I once cuddled with a kitten so hard it asked for a timeout," Kazaks shot back with a grin, flexing his biceps for emphasis.

"Yeah, and the kitten's still recovering," Qarek chimed in with a smirk, causing a ripple of laughter among the villagers.

Kazaks feigned indignation. "Hey, that little furball started it!"

As the villagers chuckled at the banter, Yzavynne joined in, adding, "Well, I guess subtlety isn't in our repertoire. But hey, who needs it when you've got charm and muscles like ours?"

Ruby giggled at the exchange, shaking her head at the absurdity of it all. Meanwhile, Zach just watched, realizing that trying to keep this group under control was going to be quite the challenge.

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