Thirteen: The Half-Blood Prince

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In the depths of the woods of Camp Half Blood, in a barren field, Severus begins using his demigod powers again, in training. Blocking his magic for this moment in time, he connects with the powers of the shadows and the dead. Raising a few of the most recognized warriors in time in skeletal form, they duel. Severus with a stygian longsword and the warrior with their standard weapon, this one a bearded battle ax.

Swinging and thrusting his sword, the warrior parries against him, going for the attack. Blocking their swing with his sword, Severus takes the chance to disarm them. Going for it, he sidesteps with poise and disarms the skeletal warrior. Pointing his sword at the skeleton, he declares. "Dead." Standing up, the warrior grabs his ax and leaves, sinking back into the ground.

He sighs. He's made so much progress, but he's not allowed to leave yet. Making his way back to camp for dinner, he uses the shadows as a means of travel to the dining pavilion, where he sits with Chiron at his table. A filet mignon dinner with mash appears on his plate with a flute of white wine sitting beside it. Taking his plate to the braizer, he scrapes some of the mash and part of the filet into the fire, offering the food to his father and uncle. Sitting back down with Chiron, he takes a bite before the centaur asks a question.

"How is your training coming along, Severus?"

"As well as it can. I was thinking that I could spar with one of the older children. What do you think?" he responds.

Before he can answer the demigod, a young boy appears unconscious. With his hair in a messy bun, the buzzed part of his hair is shown with a design in it, a triangle over a circle with a line cutting them in half. His clothes singed and torn, blood leaking out in some places. Severus recognizes the boy. Getting up and stepping forward into a glide he turns the boy to uncover his face.

"Caspian!" he breathes. "William! Get a sibling and transfer him to the infirmary. Lou Ellen! I'm going to need access to Percy's potion supplies and her cauldron. Point me in that direction."

"Bunker 3 is at the mouth of Zephyros Creek! Follow me!"

While Severus and Lou Ellen make their way to Bunker 3, Will and Kayla hurry the boy to the infirmary, where they use minor amounts of nectar and ambrosia to heal the boy before Severus gets back with potions and salves.

Making their way into Bunker 3 where the mouth of the creek meets the sea, Severus lifts the bunker doors with his magic. The two hatches open away from each other, creating a dry place for those who can't breathe underwater. Making his way down the stairs of the bunker, the pair notice a shelf of potion ingredients and a cauldron simmering with water.

A shimmer of mist and a pop reveals Vega with some ingredients. Her blue hair in a bun, strips falling out of the hair tie, focused on brewing. Muttering under her breath, Severus notices the phrases 'Death Eaters' and 'World Cup'. Eyes widening, he shows her his left arm.

She sighs. "Let me guess. Dumbledore had manipulated you into being a double agent with Lily?"

He nods. "Thankfully when I visited my father, Lady Hecate removed the mark."

"Getting all of his horcruxes together will make him whole once more. I had a vision while with Sirius and Remus. He's being manipulated as well. The old coot needs to be destroyed. We have two. The locket and the one in Caspian."

"Caspian was a horcrux?! How did you remove it without killing him?"

"Nico had a blade from Lady Hecate to move the horcrux from Cas into another container. The main problem was that it's been leeching off of his magic all this time. We had it removed before we unblocked his magic."

"He had blocks on his magic? I feel horrible about my treatment towards him. I was a bully."

"You were taking your pain from James bullying you onto his child. But he did not take your wife away from you, Dumbledore did. You need to turn your anger towards him, not my son."

"I know. He's in the infirmary now, being helped by William and Kayla. I was here to make a couple blood replenisher potions for him. What happened for him to get like this?"

"We were at the Quidditch World Cup when Death Eaters attacked. Caspian was lost in the crowd with Nico and Draco. They had run into his old friends and hid. That was before he was found. I gave him an emergency portkey to get here for safety. We were going to come next week. I was going to introduce him to the portraits of the family at the manor before coming here, but plans changed. He was trampled trying to find his wand, which I've told him not to put it in his back pocket countless times." 

"Sounds like him. We need to get back to camp." with that he steps into the shadows and pops back up in the infirmary. Lou Ellen and Vega pop in seconds later.

"Get a cup of water and Sev, I need those blood replenishers. How much ambrosia did you use, Will?"

"Just a few drops. We weren't sure how he would react to it. But you're here so that means this is Caspian?"

"Yeah. I'll take it from here. I was a licensed healer before I 'died'. Didn't really die, but it's part of the story I told you last time I was here, Will. Make sure he gets those blood replenishers, Sev. I'll be back next week to pick him up. Push him to his limits after he heals."

"Where are you going?" Sev asks.

"To get my healing certification back. Then to find out what Sirius is having."

"He's pregnant?! How does that work?" WIll asks.

"It's a rare gene in the Wizarding World that men carry."

"Could Nico have it?" Will asks, eyes widening.

She smirks at him. "Why are you curious about it?" she asks, wiggling her eyebrows.

"Stop it! It's a genuine worry!"

"He could have it. I'll have to check him once I get my certification back. I have to go. Once he's up, let him watch the orientation film. I'm still curious about it."

"You never watched the orientation film?!"

"Hey. Blame Chiron. I never got to watch it the second time around."

"What about the first?"

"I was abandoned by my parents at a young age. Younger than when Annabeth first got here. I was about 3 when they dropped me here and never came back for me."

"I've got fightin' words for Chiron. Get goin' already! He'll be fine, Perc. He's got the best of the Apollo cabin taking care of him. Me. So, shoo." 

This was supposed to be more Severus centered than anything, but I wasn't going to make a small chapter after the World Cup with the same stuff in it. And Will's question? Do we want it to happen? No? Give me thoughts and ideas about it. 

This is supposed to be a slower fic. Am I doing good or does it need to be a bit faster/slower? Let me know!

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