Covert Expedition - Chapter 62

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"But Captain Zach, why me again?! In the mountain forests, I was stuck with this girl. And now, it's déjà vu all over again!" Kazaks grumbled as they trudged along.

Yzavynne couldn't hold back her laughter at Kazaks's complaint.

"Come on, Kazaks, she won't bite," Andhur reassured him, winking at Yzavynne.

"Unless it's Jiighual," he added with a sly grin.

"Hey, what's that supposed to mean?" Jiighual retorted, looking offended.

"Oh, poor Jiighual," Leeani teased, stifling a laugh at his expense.

As they strolled toward the wooden ship, their footsteps softly reverberated against the dock, the group moved with purpose, each member focused on their tasks at hand.

"Hold up, where did Captain Zach run off to?" Qarek interjected, breaking the flow of conversation.

"He mentioned something about chatting with Haerak about our temporary departure. We're off to the Luminary Tower to fix up Nert's arm," Gargeal clarified, his voice steady amidst the ambient sounds of the port.

"Ah, right. Captain's always juggling a dozen things at once, isn't he?" Qarek remarked casually.

Gargeal nodded with an emotionless expression. "Time is a treasure we often take for granted, yet it's the most valuable currency we possess. Every moment, every second, is a gift not to be squandered but cherished deeply."

He continued, "I'm sure he sees it the same way."

The Shadowed Symphony halted their tasks at the wooden ship, pondering Gargeal's words.

The sky was veiled by heavy clouds, hinting at the possibility of rain. Suddenly, one of the ship's seven masts snapped, propelled by a sudden gust of wind, but Kazaks managed to seize it before it could be swept away entirely.

"Whoa! that was close!" Kazaks remarked, gripping the mast tightly.

"One of the seven masts broke off... Perhaps it's merely chance," Gargeal pondered to himself.

Turning to the Shadowed Symphony, he directed, "Let's repair this before returning to the house."

"Understood, Master!" Kazaks exclaimed.

"Got it," chorused Yzavynne and Leeani.

"You can rely on us," Jiighual assured.

"Already on it," Andhur stated as he ascended a nearby log to address the damaged mast.

"I wonder what caused that," Qarek mused, joining the group to assist.

Meanwhile, Nert stood transfixed, gazing at the powerful ocean breeze, moved by the beauty of nature.

Observing Nert's reaction, Ruby'ck followed suit, marveling at the natural splendor before them.

"Chieftain Haerak," Zach interjected, catching up to Haerak and halting his stride.

Turning around, Haerak found Zach behind him. "Zach, yes. What is it?" he inquired.

"We'll be departing tomorrow before your voyage to the mainland of Aeolantis. Our destination is the Luminary Tower, where we hope to seek the necromancer's aid in healing Nert's injured arm," Zach explained.

"Ahh, I nearly forgot about that," Haerak admitted, scratching his head.

Continuing, he added, "Oh, and I almost neglected to mention, you may leave Nert here. According to the legends surrounding the necromancer, it's said to provide healing potions to guests after receiving a significant offering."

Concerned, Zach asked, "Is there an alternative method for healing that doesn't involve the necromancer's practices?"

"Well, I'm not entirely certain. You'll have to inquire with the necromancer directly. I use 'it' because the necromancer's true identity remains a mystery – no one knows whether it's a man or a woman. Also, once you reach the Luminary Tower, avoid heading South, as it's home to the Great Serpentus in the deep ocean," Haerak advised, sharing his knowledge with Zach.

"Thank you, Chieftain Haerak," Zach expressed his gratitude.

"Anytime. I'm glad to offer whatever assistance I can. Best of luck on your journey tomorrow," Haerak replied before turning to continue on his way.

Zach stood still, his gaze fixed on Haerak's departing figure as the chieftain made his way back to his dwelling. With a heavy heart, Zach lowered his chin, lost in thought.

"Will our mission be complete once we heal Nert? Will peace reign here once we've earned their trust and assimilated into the village?" Zach pondered aloud, his brow furrowed in concern.

He continued in a soft murmur, "I can only hope that no harm befalls anyone before that day arrives. It's my solemn vow to ensure that they all find solace in peace after years of enduring the ravages of war."

As the rain began with a gentle patter, gradually intensifying into a heavy downpour, Zach remained rooted in place, unaffected by the deluge, while the other villagers hurried indoors to seek shelter from the storm.

Amidst the drumming of raindrops, Zach whispered softly to himself, his voice barely audible over the din of the rain, "Just as the rain washes away the dust and grime, may it also cleanse our souls of the scars of the past."

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