Covert Expedition - Chapter 65

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"What's going on?" Lyra demanded, her voice tinged with urgency as she reacted to Kazaks' abrupt warning.

"Take cover, now! I think there's someone out there, human-like, possibly bandits," Yzavynne instructed, her tone conveying both caution and determination as she maintained her grip on the ropes restraining the formidable pig.

"Bandits? Are you serious?" Lyra gasped, her eyes widening in disbelief.

"Yes, bandits. Hurry, get down," Yzavynne commanded.

Lyra and the other hunters swiftly complied, crouching low while clutching the ropes securing each of the livestock tightly.

"Thirty? Forty? Fifty? No... too many," Kazaks muttered, his voice barely above a whisper as he huddled beside Yzavynne.

"How many of them are there?" Yzavynne inquired, her voice calm yet filled with concern.

"At least a hundred. I'm certain they're bandits, prowling around at this hour, searching for unsuspecting prey to plunder and abduct," Kazaks replied, his demeanor surprisingly composed despite the dire situation.

"I see," Yzavynne acknowledged calmly.

Lyra couldn't help but feel a surge of panic, a sentiment shared by the other village hunters.

"We... We can help you," Lyra stammered nervously, her voice betraying her uncertainty.

"We don't have experiencing in killing people but... But we're ready to assist you against those hundred bandits," she added, her words tinged with hesitation.

Kazaks and Yzavynne exchanged a worried glance, fully aware of the potential danger facing them and the villagers.

"No. Stay here and guard the livestock. We'll handle this," Yzavynne reassured them calmly, her voice steady and resolute.

"Taking a life weighs heavily on the soul. It's a burden that stays with you forever. So don't take it lightly," she advised, her words resonating with a quiet wisdom that eased the tension in the air.

Lyra nodded, her anxiety gradually subsiding as she absorbed Yzavynne's calm assurance, a sentiment echoed by the other hunters.

"Shall we proceed, Kazaks?" Yzavynne asked, her gaze unwavering as she prepared to face the impending threat.

"Yes, let's move. They're drawing nearer. Thanks to the tall grass concealing us, they won't spot us yet. But we need to act quickly," Kazaks replied calmly.

"Understood," Yzavynne acknowledged.

"Lyra, hold onto this rope for me, would you?" Yzavynne requested, passing the coil to Lyra before she and Kazaks advanced stealthily toward the approaching bandits.

"I'm telling you, I heard voices, a boy and a girl arguing," one of the bandits asserted amidst the throng of their comrades.

"Quit fooling around, buddy. This isn't the moment for jests. Our leader's not exactly in the mood," chimed in another bandit, the group continuing their vigilant patrol of the area.

"Hey! You there! What's all this chatter about?" boomed Thorne, his voice carrying a weight of authority and menace as he confronted the suspected troublemakers.

"Voices, you say?" Thorne's eyes narrowed as he surveyed the bandit who had spoken up. "Describe what you heard."

The bandit shifted uncomfortably under Thorne's intense gaze. "It sounded like a boy and a girl, sir. They seemed to be in some sort of disagreement."

Thorne's brow furrowed with concern. "We can't afford any distractions tonight. Keep your ears sharp, but don't let your imagination run wild. Understood?"

The bandits nodded in unison, their expressions tense with anticipation.

"Good. Now, back to your posts," Thorne commanded, his authoritative tone brooking no argument.

As the bandits dispersed to resume their patrols, Thorne's gaze lingered on the darkness beyond, a sense of unease gnawing at the edges of his consciousness.

Meet Thorne, the formidable leader of the notorious bandit gang known as the Ravens. Renowned for his imposing presence, Thorne possesses a demeanor so commanding that even the highest echelons of authority, including the kings, would quiver in his presence. A master of the broadsword, his skill in combat is legendary, evidenced by the fallen Royal knights who have crossed his path. Standing tall at 6 feet and 4 inches, with a weight of 101kilograms, Thorne cuts an imposing figure, instilling fear in all who dare to oppose him.

 Standing tall at 6 feet and 4 inches, with a weight of 101kilograms, Thorne cuts an imposing figure, instilling fear in all who dare to oppose him

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Thorne's face

As Kazaks and Yzavynne skillfully maneuvered through the dense tall grass, their movements synchronized and silent, they remained keenly aware of the hundred bandits patrolling the area. Each step was deliberate, every breath measured, as they closed in on their prey.

Kazaks signaled to Yzavynne, gesturing towards a lone bandit straying too far from the group. With a silent nod, Yzavynne positioned herself behind the unsuspecting target, her hand poised to strike.

With expert precision, Yzavynne emerged from the shadows, her arm wrapping around the bandit's neck in a swift and fluid motion. Silently, she applied pressure, cutting off the bandit's air supply without a sound. In moments, the bandit fell unconscious, crumpling to the ground in silence.

Meanwhile, Kazaks spotted another bandit, his attention momentarily diverted. Seizing the opportunity, Kazaks closed in with silent footsteps, his hand moving to restrain the unsuspecting foe.

In one seamless motion, Kazaks subdued the bandit, his powerful grip cutting off the bandit's oxygen as he fell into a state of unconsciousness. With practiced ease, Kazaks lowered the bandit to the ground, ensuring he made no sound to alert his comrades.

Their movements were a deadly ballet, executed with precision and finesse. With each passing moment, the number of bandits dwindled as Kazaks and Yzavynne continued to neutralize them one by one.

As they reached the heart of the bandit encampment, Kazaks and Yzavynne paused, assessing their surroundings. In the distance, they could see Thorne, the leader of the bandits, surveying his domain with a watchful eye.

"We need to take him out. That must be their leader," Kazaks whispered, his voice barely audible over the rustling of the tall grass.

Yzavynne nodded in agreement, her eyes gleaming with determination. Together, they moved with silent determination towards their final target, ready to confront the leader of the Ravens and put an end to his reign of terror once and for all.

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