Covert Expedition - Chapter 70

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"Keep your senses sharp, everyone," Zach advised in a calm yet firm tone, his words cutting through the thick fog that enveloped the wooden ship.

As they navigated through the eerie silence, Leeani's keen eyes scanned the mist-shrouded surroundings, ever watchful for any signs of danger lurking in the shadows.

Meanwhile, Jiighual sat nonchalantly, munching on a jar of dried steak, seemingly unfazed by the tense atmosphere that hung in the air. Andhur's melodious flute playing provided a haunting soundtrack to their journey, the ethereal notes echoing through the fog.

Gargeal remained stoic in the corner, his expression unreadable as he contemplated the unknown dangers that lay ahead. Qarek, ever vigilant, stood ready to pounce at the slightest hint of an ambush, his muscles coiled like a spring.

And Ruby'ck, with his delicate touch, delicately grasped Zach's clothes between his thumb and index finger, a silent gesture of solidarity and support in the face of uncertainty.

"We've arrived," Zach murmured softly, his words barely audible amidst the hushed tones of the group.

Suddenly, Qarek's booming voice shattered the silence, drawing everyone's attention as he pointed towards the towering silhouette of the Luminary Tower looming in the distance.

"Captain, look!" he exclaimed, his finger thrusting towards the imposing structure that rose majestically against the darkened sky.

As their gazes followed Qarek's outstretched arm, Leeani, Jiighual, Andhur, and Ruby'ck stood in awe of the sight before them. The Luminary Tower stood as a silent sentinel, its presence casting an eerie glow that danced across the surrounding landscape, shrouded in mystery and intrigue.

Emerging from the swirling mist, the faint silhouette of two women gradually materialized at the edge of the shore on the small island.

Zach's voice cut through the eerie silence like a whisper in the wind, his words laced with a hint of uncertainty as he pondered the sudden appearance of the two women on the shore.

"It's unlikely they're just random wanderers. The necromancer, perhaps? But there's two of them," he mused, his thoughts drifting into the realm of possibility.

Gargeal, ever composed, rose from his seated position, his gaze fixed on Zach as he awaited his leader's decision, his companions mirroring his anticipation.

As the group deliberated, the two women on the shore exchanged hushed words, their voices barely audible over the gentle lapping of the waves against the rocky shore.

"Who are they? Could they be here seeking aid, like our other guests?" one of the women wondered aloud, her tone tinged with curiosity.

But her companion remained unfazed, her eyes fixed on the ship as if searching for something hidden beneath its weathered exterior.

"It matters not. We must ensure our presence remains veiled from their minds," she declared with a sense of urgency, her words carrying a weight of determination.

Suddenly, a man emerged from the ground beside them, his form shifting like liquid before solidifying into a tangible shape.

"Erase them," the woman commanded, her voice firm and unwavering, as the group prepared to execute her directive.

The man's face

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The man's face

As Zach and his companions engaged in discussion, their focus consumed by the enigmatic figures on the shore, a sudden disturbance shattered the tranquility of the moment.

From the wooden ship, a mysterious figure materialized, his form transitioning from a fluid state to solid in the blink of an eye. With swift and silent grace, he lunged towards Jiighual, his intent clear as he aimed to strike without warning.

As the mysterious assailant bore down upon Jiighual, his intent unmistakable, the air crackled with tension. With a sudden and decisive motion, he mounted Jiighual, poised to deliver a devastating blow. But before his fist could make contact, Gargeal sprang into action, his greatsword slicing through the air with deadly precision, intercepting the attacker and thwarting his assault.

With a swift and fluid motion, Gargeal's greatsword cleaved through the assailant, causing him to dissolve into a liquid state once more.

"WHAT ON EARTH?!" Jiighual exclaimed, his heart pounding as he scrambled away from the liquid form of the man that had suddenly appeared.

"What's happening?!" Leeani's voice quivered with fear, her eyes darting around in search of answers.

"We don't have time to figure it out now. We need to prepare!" Qarek's grip tightened on his war axe, his muscles tensed for the impending confrontation.

Jiighual hastily readied his pavise shield, while Leeani loaded her crossbow with trembling hands, readying it for action. Andhur tightened his grip on his glaive, and Gargeal braced himself, his fingers clenched around the hilt of his greatsword. Meanwhile, Zach drew his claymore, his gaze steady as he reassured Ruby'ck, who clung tightly to him.

"Zach," Ruby'ck's voice quivered with anxiety as she looked up at him, her expression fraught with worry.

"Don't worry, we'll get through this," Zach's voice was calm and reassuring, his eyes reflecting determination amidst the chaos.

As the mysterious figure began to solidify once more, Gargeal remained resolute, his expression unwavering as he launched a preemptive strike against the man before he could fully materialize.

"Don't let it fully solidify. It might not be able to attack in its liquid state," Gargeal cautioned, his voice urgent as he relayed his strategy to the others.

The liquid form of the man fragmented into numerous smaller entities, which swiftly coalesced back into the same individual, replicating his form in a mesmerizing display of mysterious power.

With a powerful swing of his massive greatsword, Gargeal unleashed a sweeping arc that seemed to bend reality itself, transforming the solid figures of the man surrounding them into liquid with a mysterious and mesmerizing motion.

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