Covert Expedition - Chapter 77

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"What's taking so long, Xertu?" Sanaage's voice echoed with impatience, his frustration evident as he awaited progress on the stubborn lock that barred their entry.

"Wait, I can't pick this lock," Xertu replied, his efforts thwarted by the mechanism's resistance, his fingers struggling to manipulate it in the dim light.

Meanwhile, Sanaage surveyed their surroundings, the stillness of the night offering no hint of the villagers' presence, his senses attuned to any sign of movement.

"Hey Xertu, force it open," Sanaage instructed, his tone commanding and determined, the urgency of their mission overriding any concern for subtlety.

"But won't that alert the villagers?" Xertu paused his efforts, his gaze meeting Sanaage's with a flicker of uncertainty, his concern for potential repercussions evident.

"Just do it. There's no one around," Sanaage urged, his voice firm and resolute, his focus fixed on the task at hand and the necessity of breaching the barrier before them.

"Go for it, big bro!" Elara's voice chimed in, her encouragement lending a spark of determination to their collective resolve, her faith in their abilities unwavering.

"Fine," Xertu relented, his resolve steeling as he prepared to exert force, his muscles tensing in anticipation of the impact.

With a deep breath, Xertu delivered a forceful blow to the door knob, the sound of splintering wood echoing through the stillness as the lock yielded to his strength.

With a groan, Xertu pushed the door open, revealing a dimly lit interior illuminated only by a single candle, the shadows dancing across the room in eerie patterns.

"Seems deserted, but keep your guard up," Sanaage cautioned, his words a reminder of the ever-present danger that lurked in the shadows, his instincts honed by years of vigilant watchfulness.

They spread out to search, their footsteps echoing through the empty rooms, their movements purposeful yet cautious as they scanned every corner for signs of life.

"Where are you hiding?" Sanaage muttered under his breath, his voice a low rumble in the silence, his determination unyielding as he sought out their elusive quarry.

"Come out, come out, wherever you are," Xertu whispered, his voice barely audible above the sound of their own breathing, his words a quiet challenge to their unseen adversaries.

Suddenly, Nert's urgent cry shattered the silence, his voice ringing out with a sense of urgency that propelled them into action, his words a call to arms in the face of imminent danger.

"Seraphina, NOW!" he called out, his voice a beacon of guidance amidst the chaos, his command spurring Seraphina into swift action as she responded to the summons.

Reacting swiftly, Seraphina switched on the lights and made a dash for the door, her movements swift and purposeful as she prepared for the impending confrontation, her heart pounding with adrenaline as she braced herself for what lay ahead.

"You again?" Nert's calm voice greeted them as they turned to face him, his demeanor relaxed yet watchful, his eyes assessing the newcomers with a hint of wariness.

Nert's gaze met Sanaage's, a glint of amusement dancing in his eyes despite the seriousness of the situation. "Ah, yes, I remember it well," he replied with a chuckle, his tone laced with a hint of self-deprecation. "You see, even the mightiest warriors have their moments of misfortune. It's what makes victory all the sweeter, wouldn't you agree?"

With a wry smile, Nert acknowledged his past defeat, yet his words carried a subtle reminder of resilience and determination in the face of adversity.

Nert's forehead bore a striking tattoo, its symmetrical patterns and central eye marking him as a bearer of the Sin of Sloth.

Nert's forehead bore a striking tattoo, its symmetrical patterns and central eye marking him as a bearer of the Sin of Sloth

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"Tsk. Same tattoo as the guy we tangled with in the forest," Sanaage muttered, his tone tinged with recognition and wariness.

"Hey, Blondie. Feeling the effects of that poison yet? Getting weaker every passing month, waiting for the moment you drop dead?" Sanaage's taunt dripped with malice and triumph, his words slicing through the air with cruel intent.

"Huh?" Nert's disbelief was palpable, his expression a mixture of shock and concern.

"I injected you with a deadly poison during our first encounter. Knocked you out cold, then slipped the poison into your veins. The kicker? It won't kill you right away. It'll gradually sap your strength until you're a mere shadow of yourself, and then... well, YOU'LL BE DONE FOR! NO CURE! NO ESCAPE!" Sanaage's laughter echoed, his satisfaction evident in every cruel chuckle.

"Cursed scum," Nert seethed, his teeth clenched tight and his brow creased with a mixture of rage and vexation. "That's why I've been fading, weakening each day. Not because of Eldritch's blows, but his insidious poison coursing through my veins. Seraphina couldn't see through it..."

With a sudden burst of resolve, Nert dashed forward, catching his adversaries off guard as he charged ahead without giving them a chance to react.

"Three of you ganging up on one! A lone man, branded as 'blondie' with just one arm and poisoned, facing off against three well-prepared warriors!" Nert's voice boomed with defiance as he swiftly closed the gap between himself and the trio.

Sanaage hurled his machete forward, swiftly followed by Elara's attack, but Nert adeptly dodged both with graceful ease. Xertu attempted to strike from behind, but Nert effortlessly sidestepped the blow.

With a swift exhale, Nert unleashed a fierce counterattack, his fist connecting with Elara's chin with a forceful blow, causing her to collapse to the ground with a heavy thud.

"ELARA!" Sanaage's cry echoed loudly, his fury evident as he witnessed Nert's single punch rendering his sister helpless. "YOU BASTARD!"

Nert swiftly followed up with a low kick aimed at Xertu, forcing him to stagger to one knee as the impact reverberated through his body. Another kick targeted Xertu's halberd, sending it flying away. Then, Nert delivered an uppercut to Xertu's solar plexus, causing him to gasp for air, unable to breathe properly. Just as Nert prepared for the final blow, Sanaage swiftly intervened, breaking the impending confrontation.

"YOU DAMN BLONDE!" Sanaage's enraged shout filled the air as he swiftly intervened, his machete slicing through the air to halt Nert's final strike, landing on his right arm with a forceful impact.

In retaliation, Nert aimed a kick at Sanaage, but Sanaage deftly blocked it with his arm, his expression twisted with fury.

"I'LL KILL YOU!" Sanaage's voice boomed with rage, his anger palpable as he unleashed a torrent of curses and threats.


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