Covert Expedition - Chapter 82

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As the crew of the Shadowed Symphony chatted among themselves, Leeani scanned the bustling crowd of villagers, her eyes searching for Nert.

"Captain, I don't see Nert anywhere, same with Kazaks and Yzavynne. Maybe he's already cozied up at Seraphina's hut by now. It's nearly nightfall," Leeani remarked, twirling a potion in her hands.

"Didn't expect us to go back here first. Anyways, let's give him a surprise visit, shall we? Sneak into the hut and catch him off guard! Ha ha ha!" Qarek suggested enthusiastically.

"Count me in!" Jiighual and Andhur chimed in unison, eager for the adventure.

"Remember, silence is key, folks," Qarek reminded them.

"Got it, sir!" Jiighual and Andhur nodded in agreement.

"These three are always bursting with energy. Their dynamic is just pure chaos," Leeani commented with a shake of her head.

She then turned to Jiighual with a raised eyebrow. "Wait a minute, Jiighual. Weren't you just complaining about being exhausted from all the sailing earlier? And now you're suddenly ready for a midnight escapade?"

Jiighual stuttered for a response, caught off guard.

"Looks like someone found a second wind!" Andhur teased, nudging Jiighual playfully.

"At my command, let's move out! Onward, my energetic crew!" Qarek declared, leading the way with a mischievous grin.

"Alright, you four," Zach began, his voice calm and composed as he addressed his companions. "Since we've arrived ahead of Kazaks and Yazvynne, I'll take the initiative to seek out Chief Haerak and update him on our journey. We'll hold off on sharing details about the encounter with the necromancer until everyone is present."

"Understood, Captain!" Andhur, Jiighual, Leeani, and Qarek chimed in unison, their expressions reflecting their readiness to follow Zach's lead.

As they crept towards Seraphina's hut, Qarek couldn't contain his excitement. "I can't wait to see the look on Nert's face when we surprise him!"

Jiighual chuckled softly. "Yeah, hopefully he won't spill his potion in shock!"

Andhur, always ready with a quip, added, "Or accidentally turn us all into frogs with one of Seraphina's experimental spells!"

Leeani shook her head, trying to stifle her laughter. "Let's hope our surprise doesn't end up being more shocking for us than for Nert!"

With their banter lightening the mood, they continued their stealthy approach, eager for the fun ahead.

"Ruby'ck, any plans for after we meet Haerak?" Zach inquired, gesturing to her as they walked side by side.

"Well, I thought I'd tag along with you and Haerak for a bit, then head home for some much-needed rest," Ruby'ck replied cheerfully, a smile gracing her face.

"Sounds like a solid plan," Zach remarked. "And Gargeal, are you sticking around here by the shore?"

Gargeal nodded silently. "I'll stay put," he said, his voice devoid of emotion.

"Got it. We'll catch up with you later at the house," Zach confirmed.

"See you," Gargeal replied tersely.

"Ready to head out, Ruby'ck?" Zach asked.

"Absolutely, Zach," Ruby'ck replied, falling into step beside him.

Together, they made their way towards Haerak's house, their conversation shifting to lighter topics as they walked.

As the villagers dispersed to their homes, Gargeal lingered, deep in thought, seated on a nearby log.

"That Evelori, with her pure white hair, and her sister Selene, strands of silver already. Strange, very strange," Gargeal muttered to himself, his brow furrowing in contemplation.

Recalling their faces and the peculiar hue of their hair, he pondered further, "I've never encountered a wizard or sorcerer with such distinctive hair before. It's quite unusual."

Lost in his musings, Gargeal's mind raced with questions, each one leading him deeper into the mystery surrounding the enigmatic necromancers.

"What could it signify, this unusual trait? And why them, of all people?" he wondered aloud, his voice barely above a whisper, as the mysteries of the world unfolded before him.

As Jiighual, Qarek, Leeani, and Andhur stealthily approached Seraphina's hut, they huddled together, crouching and exchanging hushed whispers.

"Remember, quiet as a mouse! Nert's ears are like finely-tuned radars. Stay low and keep those voices down!" Qarek advised in a not-so-quiet whisper, his comrades nodding in agreement.

"Yeah, Qarek, we got it! Like sneaking through a library!" Andhur quipped, his attempt at whispering not much quieter than Qarek's.

"More like trying to sneak past a sleeping dragon without waking it up," Jiighual added with a smirk, causing Andhur to stifle a giggle.

"Come on, guys, let's not wake up the whole village with our chatter. We've got a stealth mission here," Qarek reminded them, trying her best to keep the tone serious despite the humor bubbling beneath the surface.

"Right, right, boss Qarek got a point. Stealth mode activated!" Andhur proclaimed with a grin, but his volume remained unchanged.

"Stealth mode... more like squeaky mouse mode," Jiighual teased, earning a playful shove from Andhur.

"Hey, watch it! We're supposed to be silent, remember?" Jiighual whispered, though his own laughter threatened to give them away.

"Alright, alright, no more jokes. Let's get this done before Nert hears us and starts playing detective," Qarek said, finally adopting a quieter tone as they continued their covert mission, laughter lingering in the air like a mischievous whisper.

"Ugh, you three, can't we just—" Leeani began to whisper but stopped abruptly, a memory resurfacing from her conversation with Kazaks weeks prior.

"Forget it, let's soak up this moment. Kazaks did mention something about cherishing these rare opportunities," Leeani added, a hint of amusement in her voice as they continued their covert mission.

The four adventurers stealthily approached Seraphina's hut, crouching beneath the window with all the grace of a team of spies on a top-secret mission.

"Alright, let's do this!" Qarek declared in a hushed tone that was anything but quiet.

Andhur peered cautiously into the window, expecting to find Nert or Seraphina inside, but the hut was eerily empty.

"Guys, there's nobody here," Andhur reported, his disappointment evident in his whisper.

"What? Let me see. Maybe your eyes are playing tricks on you," Jiighual chimed in, poking his head up to take a look.

After a moment, he confirmed Andhur's observation. "Yep, it's a ghost town in there. No Nert, no shaman lady."

"Well, this is awkward. Where could they have gone? And more importantly, where's Seraphina?" Leeani pondered aloud, straightening up from her crouch.

With no sign of their targets, the team abandoned their stealthy postures and stood up, scratching their heads in confusion. It seemed their covert operation had hit a snag before it even began.

"Maybe Nert's just cozying up at home, sipping on his special brews and binge-imagining ancient mystical shows," Qarek mused, scratching his head.

"Yeah, knowing him, he's probably wrapped up in a blanket burrito, chanting some ancient incantations for good measure," Jiighual added, chuckling.

"Andhur's got a point. Let's not lose sleep over Nert's disappearing act. I mean, I could use a good nap myself. My eyelids are heavier than a stone golem," Andhur chimed in, stifling a yawn and rubbing his eyes.

"Totally agree. My bed is calling my name louder than a town crier on market day. I can practically feel its embrace beckoning me to dreamland. Where ever he is, let's just give the potion to him tomorrow," Leeani joked, stretching her arms out theatrically.

With a collective nod and a few more laughs, the group turned to head back home, ready to embrace the sweet embrace of their beds.

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