Covert Expedition - Chapter 86

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Gargeal muttered to himself in disbelief as he observed the emergence of three imposing warships from the thick shroud of nighttime fog blanketing the ocean.

As the boat drew nearer, Eldritch impulsively leaped into the water, spear in hand, and began swimming vigorously towards the shore, his impatience evident to all.

"Typical Eldritch, never one for patience," Min remarked, his voice tinged with irritation at his comrade's impulsiveness.

Yakub, remained composed, "Let him be. Remember, he's the one who managed to scar Zach, the unstoppable force. Perhaps he'll succeed where we failed," Yakub stated calmly, a glint of anticipation in his eyes.

Eldritch reached the shore and confronted Gargeal boldly, his demeanor filled with aggression and menace. "HI HI HI HI HI HI~ Look what WE go HERE. The first victim of Eldritch!" he proclaimed, his laughter echoing eerily in the night air.

Undeterred by Eldritch's theatrics, Gargeal retrieved his great sword and gripped it firmly, his expression betraying no hint of fear or apprehension.

"Hmm~ Still no reaction..? FINE THEN!" Eldritch bellowed, charging forward with a flurry of spear thrusts aimed at Gargeal's head.

Gargeal skillfully parried each of Eldritch's spear thrusts with his great sword, his movements precise and fluid.

"Ah! Ah! AAAAAHHHH!" Eldritch cried out, his attacks relentless as he pressed forward with all his might.

Yakub and Min arrived at the shore, observing the intense battle unfolding before them with a mixture of awe and concern.

"Those two are incredibly fast, it's almost mesmerizing," Yakub remarked quietly, his eyes fixed on the combatants as they clashed with ferocity.

"Hey! Yakub! We need to intervene! We can't just stand here and watch!" Min urged urgently, his voice filled with determination.

"On it!" Yakub responded, his resolve firm as he and Min raced towards the fray.

With swift determination, Yakub and Min joined the fray, each aiming to strike Gargeal with their respective weapons, their intent clear in their battle cries.

"Take this!" Min roared as he swung his club towards Gargeal, his eyes narrowed in determination.

"Die!" Yakub bellowed, his mace poised to deliver a devastating blow to Gargeal.

"Gullible fools," Gargeal muttered under his breath, his voice barely audible over the crashing waves.

"Huh?!" Yakub, Min, and Eldritch exclaimed in unison, startled by Gargeal's sudden remark.

In a swift and fluid motion, Gargeal leaped into the air with astonishing agility, his great sword held aloft despite its considerable weight, leaving the trio below gaping in disbelief.

"What the fuck?!" Yakub exclaimed, his voice tinged with a mixture of shock and disbelief.

With a powerful swing, Gargeal slammed his huge and heavy great sword into the sand, sending it scattering in all directions. The grains whipped up into a frenzy, clouding the air and stinging the eyes of Yakub, Min, and Eldritch, momentarily blinding them and leaving them vulnerable to Gargeal's next move.

"Argh! My eyes!" Min groaned, rubbing furiously at his stinging eyes.

"Damn it, Gargeal!" Yakub spat, his voice filled with irritation and pain as he struggled to clear the sand from his eyes.

"ARGHHHH!" Eldritch cursed with frustration and anger as he blinked rapidly, trying to rid his eyes of the abrasive sand.

Gargeal swiftly brought down the flat side of his great sword, striking Yakub and Min squarely in the face. The force of the blow rendered them unconscious, their bodies slumping to the ground. Miraculously, they bore no severe injuries, spared from bleeding or grave harm.

Turning his attention to Eldritch, Gargeal attempted to replicate the same strike, but Eldritch managed to evade the incoming blow, narrowly escaping the same fate as his fallen companions.

"HI HI HI HI HI~ Bravo, BRAVO! But they were quite useless anyways! Now, I'll get all the fun. ME AGAINST YOU!" Eldritch exclaimed with a manic laugh, his voice echoing across the shore. With determination blazing in his eyes, he charged towards Gargeal once more, his spear poised for attack.

Eldritch unleashed a relentless onslaught of spear thrusts, each aimed directly at Gargeal's head, his movements fueled by adrenaline and the desire to vanquish his opponent.

As Eldritch lunged forward with his spear, Gargeal swiftly sidestepped, narrowly avoiding the thrust. With lightning reflexes, Gargeal countered, swinging his greatsword in a wide arc. Eldritch leaped back, narrowly dodging the blade's deadly sweep.

The two adversaries circled each other warily, each waiting for the perfect opportunity to strike. Eldritch lunged again, his spear whistling through the air, but Gargeal deftly parried the attack, his greatsword intercepting the spear mid-thrust.

Gargeal then unleashed a flurry of great sword strikes, driving Eldritch back with each powerful blow. But Eldritch, fueled by rage and determination, refused to yield. He danced around Gargeal's attacks, his movements fluid and precise.

For what felt like an eternity, the two combatants clashed, their weapons clashing in a symphony of steel. But despite Eldritch's relentless assault, Gargeal remained unscathed, his defense impenetrable.

Just when it seemed like the tide of battle was turning in Gargeal's favor, Eldritch launched a sudden, unexpected attack. With a lightning-fast maneuver, he sidestepped Gargeal's strike and delivered a swift kick to his side, catching Gargeal off guard.

Gargeal stumbled backward, his breath catching in his throat as pain flared through his side. He glanced down, his eyes widening in shock as he saw blood staining his clothes. Eldritch had managed to land a blow, drawing first blood in their fierce duel.

"BOOM, boom! Look at that, you're bleeding now!" Eldritch's voice echoed with mockery and amusement. "I was hoping for a real fight, but it seems you're just a disappointment. Don't give up yet! Show me what you've got!" he taunted, his words laced with derision.

"And still~ No reaction from you, huh? Hi hi hi! No reactions at all? Well, I'll make sure to change that. I'll keep poking until you scream!" Eldritch jeered, his laughter filled with malice as he intensified his attacks.

Emotionless and determined to turn the tide, Gargeal launched himself back into the fray. With renewed ferocity, he met Eldritch's attacks head-on, refusing to let the pain slow him down.

As Zach wandered through the village, the weight of uncertainty burdened his mind, driving him to seek answers. "Sleep eludes me with these thoughts. I must confront the uncertainties alone, to ascertain if he truly merits our trust... my trust," he murmured to himself, his determination driving his steps.

Suddenly, the sharp clang of metal rang through the air, jolting Zach from his reverie. "What's that?" he wondered aloud, his curiosity piqued.

Following the sound, Zach cautiously approached the source, where he stumbled upon a confrontation between Gargeal and Eldritch.

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