Covert Expedition - Chapter 90

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"Rise and shine, Ruby!" Leeani exclaimed, giving Ruby'ck's sleeping form a gentle shake.

"Huh? What's going on, Lea?" Ruby'ck mumbled, rubbing the sleep from his eyes as he sat up in bed.

"Hehe, good morning, sleepyhead! Time to face the day," Leeani chirped, her voice laced with amusement.

"Wait, what? But I was in the middle of this epic dream where Zach and I were racing through the clouds!" Ruby'ck protested, a hint of disappointment in his voice.

"Captain and you? Racing? Ha! That's a good one," Leeani chuckled, unable to contain her amusement.

"Yeah! You totally ruined my awesome dream adventure with Zach! HMP!" Ruby'ck grumbled, pouting playfully.

"Good morning, Ruby'ck," Zach's voice suddenly interrupted from the doorway, catching Ruby'ck off guard.

"What?! Zach?! What happened to your hair?!" Ruby'ck exclaimed, eyes widening in surprise.

"Oh, I decided to chop off some of it. It was getting in the way every time we had to dodge warriors," Zach explained casually.

 It was getting in the way every time we had to dodge warriors," Zach explained casually

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Zach's face

Ruby'ck couldn't help but feel a blush creeping up his cheeks as he glanced at Zach, quickly turning his head to hide it from view.

"Hmm? What's with the blush?" Leeani inquired, puzzled, as he remained in the doorway.

Summoning all her courage, Ruby'ck blurted out, "You look handsome! And now I want a haircut too!"

"Whoa there, Ruby! Talk about enthusiasm!" Leeani interjected, grinning as she watched Ruby'ck's antics.

"Of course!" Ruby'ck declared with a determined nod, a mischievous sparkle in his eyes.

Zach couldn't contain his laughter as he watched Ruby'ck and Leeani banter.

"What's so funny, Zach?" Ruby'ck demanded, shooting Zach a quizzical look that quickly silenced his chuckles.

"Oh, nothing, just admiring the lively conversation," Zach replied with a grin, trying to suppress his amusement.

"Leeani, do me a favor and give Ruby'ck a trim, but make sure to be gentle," Zach instructed, his tone playful yet firm.

"Aye aye, captain!" Leeani saluted, a mischievous glint in her eye.

"But remember, don't take too long. We have a Renaissance-only meeting later, none of Chief Haerak's endless assemblies," Zach reminded her, a hint of exasperation creeping into his voice.

"Got it, boss!" Leeani nodded, ready to tackle the task at hand.

"Woo-hoo! Finally!" Ruby'ck exclaimed, brimming with excitement.

"Here, use these scissors. I used them earlier to tame my unruly locks while you were all still snoozing," Zach said, handing the scissors to Leeani.

"Thanks, captain," Leeani replied, accepting the scissors with a grateful smile.

"Now, take Ruby'ck outside and work your magic behind the house," Zach instructed, his eyes twinkling with mischief as he looked at Ruby'ck.

Ruby'ck returned Zach's smile, a sense of anticipation building in the air.

As Leeani worked her magic with the scissors behind the house, minutes slipped away unnoticed.

"Hey, Leeani, do you think I look okay?" Ruby'ck inquired, a hint of uncertainty in her voice, as she sat patiently while Leeani stood behind her.

"Ruby, you've always been beautiful, but this new haircut of yours? It's like adding a sprinkle of stardust to an already shining star," Leeani reassured her, her tone gentle and sincere.

"Thank you, Leeani," Ruby'ck responded, a soft smile gracing her lips.

"It's my pleasure, Ruby," Leeani replied warmly, a sense of camaraderie evident in her voice.

"Now, let's not keep the others waiting. The captain reminded us not to be tardy," Leeani suggested, nudging Ruby'ck gently.

However, Ruby'ck remained motionless, lost in thought, prompting Leeani to inquire further.

"What's on your mind, Ruby?" Leeani asked, her concern evident in her tone.

"I can't help but wonder if Zach will like my new haircut," Ruby'ck confessed, her uncertainty seeping into her words.

Taking a moment to consider her response, Leeani offered words of encouragement, reigniting Ruby'ck's confidence.

"I have no doubt he'll love your new look. You're a ray of sunshine, Ruby, and Zach will see that," Leeani assured her with a soft smile.

"Really? Oh, Lea!" Ruby'ck exclaimed, her face lighting up with a newfound sense of optimism.

"Absolutely," Leeani affirmed, returning Ruby'ck's smile.

With renewed confidence, Ruby'ck rose to her feet, and together they made their way back to the living room of their home, ready to face whatever the day held in store.

Jiighual, Andhur, and Qarek lounged in the living room, exchanging glances as they waited for Leeani and Ruby'ck to join them. Meanwhile, Zach hovered nearby, his expression a mix of patience and amusement.

"What's taking them so long?" Andhur grumbled, shifting in his seat impatiently.

"Who knows, maybe they're just lost in some deep conversation about who knows what," Qarek speculated with a shrug.

"Or maybe they're out there plotting our demise," Jiighual chimed in, a mischievous twinkle in his eye.

"Ah yes, because nothing says 'girl time' like plotting the downfall of your friends," Qarek quipped.

The group erupted into laughter, the humor of the moment easing the tension of the wait.

"But seriously, what do you think they're up to?" Andhur pressed, his curiosity getting the better of him.

"Maybe they're planning a surprise party for us!" Qarek suggested, a twinkle of excitement in his eyes.

"Or they're concocting some elaborate scheme to prank us," Jiighual added, a playful gleam in his eye.

"Apologies for the delay!" Ruby'ck announced as she stepped into the living room, Leeani by her side.

"Whoa, Ruby'ck, did you lose a bet or something?" Andhur blurted out, his shock evident in his tone.

Jiighual's jaw dropped as he exclaimed, "I didn't even recognize you at first! What happened to all that hair?"

Qarek's eyebrows shot up in surprise as he stammered, "Uh, Ruby'ck, are you sure you're feeling okay? I mean, you look... different."

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