Fourteen: Cas at Camp

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In the last few days before the term started, Caspian had been claimed the night he woke up. It was an odd thing to say the least, but not unexpected. He woke early the next morning, startled and shaken as the memories of the day before hit like a pile of bricks. He sits up and tries to get out of bed only to be stopped by Will.

"Hey hey hey! Slow down! You're at Camp Half-Blood. Your mom fixed you up. I had to seal the open wounds, but you're not going anywhere for a few hours." he explains.

Caspian breathes in and looks up at the older boy. "I'm sorry. Who are you?"

"True. I haven't introduced myself. Will Solace, Son of Apollo. My sister and I had brought you here to the infirmary before Percy came and helped heal you. We used a little bit of ambrosia to help the process move along, since we don't know how much power you inherited from your mother and father."

"So, you're the guy Nico's obsessed over?" Caspian asks. With a tilt of his head, he continues. "I see it." 

Will's eyebrows shoot up. "He talks about me?"

"Mate, you two are complete opposites and you work so well together. He's told me about his sister and a bunch of other stuff he's been through. And you've basically been a therapist for him. Just letting him vent to you. I want someone like that."

"You don't need to worry about a partner. You're, what, fourteen? You have plenty of time to find someone Caspian. Now, I'm going to check you over to see if the wounds have healed, and if they are, you'll be free to leave the infirmary."

After Caspian was released from the infirmary, Will leads him to the Mess Hall, where he sees a familiar face. "Professor Snape?" he asks, getting the attention of his potions professor.

"Hello Caspian." he responds. Turning to face the boy, Severus kneels in front of him. "I must apologize to you. For my actions and my words. I had many blocked memories before coming back here. You know your true mother, but know that Lily was your godmother as I am one your godfathers."

Caspian thinks about the new information he's received, before punching the man in the gut, leaving him breathless. "That felt good. If you've noticed how I looked like my father, even with a glamor on, how didn't you notice my malnourishment?"

"First of all, your form is rubbish. We'll fix that. Secondly, I had noticed. Dumbledore had brushed it off as roughhousing with the boy. I had argued with him, but he's been obliviating my memories of the conversations we've had about your treatment." 

"He wants me as a weapon, but I won't be one, for anybody."

"Good. Now, tomorrow we'll be working on your form and your combat ability. You won't get a weapon until I deem you ready."

"Now Severus, I don't think..."

"It's the best option. Even in the Chamber of Secrets at school, I had no knowledge of how to use the Sword of Gryffindor."

"There really was a basilisk in the school?!" Katie shouts, shocking the Hades out of Caspian.

"Katie? You're a demigod?"

"Daughter of Demeter, at your service." She mockingly bows. "You're mum is awesome, you know."

"I'm gonna need some stories, she hasn't talked about her life here just yet. Oh! Before I forget, Uncle Sev! Did you know Moony..."

"I knew Remus was a legacy, yes. Athenians were always so smart. I'm just surprised Lyall was one."

"Professor Lupin's a legacy? Why hasn't he come here then?"

"Use your brain, Ms. Bell. I know you have one." Severus chides.

"He's a werewolf? But the ones I've seen seem more like an animagus shift than half man half wolf."

"His wolf had been blocked and potioned up. His transitions were more painful than they should've been. But enough of that. Caspian, have you practiced any of your powers from your grandfather?"

"Not really. Mum said she'd help me with them. She thinks I learn better by being shown how to do something rather than it being written down."

"It's how most of us are. Fridays are the best days to figure that out."

"Professor, are you sure he should join this Friday? I mean he hasn't gotten much training in and..."

"Then we'll just have to train until then." he turns to Cas. "I won't sugar coat anything, it will be tough, and you will want to quit. But by quitting, you automatically die. You cannot quit. I will teach you the basics and you'll be fighting who I say. Is that understood?"

"Yes, sir." he agrees, nodding along. 

Over the next few days, Cas gets one-on-one training with Severus.  They find a sword suitable for the boy for the time being, until the Hephaestus cabin can forge a new one for him.  

Okay, so I will update again sometime in the next two weeks. Look out for it. If this is too slow let me know and I'll speed the pace up a bit. Otherwise, here is chapter 14. 

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