The UN meeting

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[ The countries convene for the annual UN meeting, laughing and chatting cheerfully,  somewhere redacted and unknown to humans. Britain and France walk in, together, being the cute couple they are. France quickly runs over to greet Spain, leaving Uk alone]

I've been dreading this for months. I hate going, even though I must. Atleast the venue is good this time. The room stretches a to what seems infinity. It looks similar to the EU headquarters. Thank goodess Singapore is hosting this year, that man has standards.  I look around, all these countries... since when have there been so many? Even though countryhumans dont age, I find it worrying that I cant remember most of them. Burundi... Bangladesh... Nepal? 

This is going to be long. I take my place next to France and Spain.  "Darling, what is today's agenda? I seem to have forgotten." I force a smile. I might as well try and be cheerful and not make it a pain for her. She turns to me and responds "I think it is to do with nuclear weapons. We don't have to worry, chérie. Its mostly between America and Russie." She turns serious. "I know you don't like these meetings, but Germany would have gone crazy if you hadn't come." Ugh. Of course he would. First that Eu thing, but now I must also be here?  Speaking of that damned jerie, I spot him chatting to UN. I can't believe we built that. What does he even do throughout the year? I understand that he is supposed to keep peace and prevent World War Three, but for the life of me, I can't remember anything else about him. It. Gosh, when did my memory get so bad?  

Suddenly I am asualted from behind, in a hug. " Hey Dad! Its good to see you! Where have you been?" Only one person sounds like they are always cheerful and smells like maple syrup. "Uhh, hi there Canie. Could you put me down quickly?" She drops, me and I plop back down in my chair, knocking over my water. "Sorrrry Dad." I get up and turn to face her. "No harm done. Well, not much harm. Ive been... busy." I look up at my daughter. She looks like she a scared puppy. Ridiculous, she is towering over me, being nearly twice my height but still scared of me? I pull her in for a hug. "France, look at who has come to say hello!" She turns looking alittle annoyed. All of that disapears when she sees who it is."Mon Dieu, Canie! Comme c'est bon de vous voir, nous ne vous avons pas vu depuis des mois!" [My goodness, Canie! How good to see you, we haven't seen you in months!] She and Canie start to jabber effortlessly in french. I can only look on, catching only a few words of the fast paced conversation, mother like daughter I guess. UN goes up to one of the microphones, "Attention everyone, we shall be starting soon. Thank you."

After the assualt and quick chat with Canada, everyone takes their seats and the meeting begins. UN stands up  and greets us in his robotic way he alwasy does. "Good day to all from Europe, North America..." He drones on and on with more or less the same sort of formalities.

Suddenly in the middle of the meeting, I feel sick. My head is throbbing and my heart is pounding. I break into a cold sweat. I look up and see Saudi busy giving a speech about oil prices or something, I don't know. "France!" I am whispering but I still draw a couple looks. "Listen, Im not feeling so good. Tell UN I am just feeling unwell. I'll be back in a sec."

I practically sprint to the bathroom. When was the last time I did that? I didn't know nor care. France thinks Ive come down with some illness or something. But I know that isnt true. I know what is wrong. They want to get out. "They" are England and Scotland. I can't let them. Ireland bursts in. Of course you just had to appear out of nowwhere. 

"UK! Listen, are you okay? "

 I glared at him "Do I lo... look okay?"

"Fair point. When was the last time you  let them out?"

 I am hunched over in pain. "Three weeks... ago."

 "You bloody idiot! Don't you remember we get worse the less you let us out?! Come on, let they out, now."

 I am fully aware of this. But its worse then ever. Far worse. "I can't. Not here. Somewhere priv-" My words fail me as I try to contain a scream of pain. "Get the painkillers! Get the painkillers!"

 Ire fumbles as I throw my coat at him. He quickly produces a bottle and my flask. I take them gingerly. After  a long swig and a couple pain killers, the pain seeps away. Finally, it is over. "You can't keep doing this. I can't always be helping you." I know he is trying to be genuine and he is right. But I have to. 

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