Chapter 1-4: The Collector

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You returned to the battle that was commencing at this moment, glancing at the gigantic Rapture your squad is facing, then at a semi-transparent screen on the right side of your vision.

Nacht is temporarily unavailable as she was calling for reinforcements, so right now the Blacksmith was the top priority.

Upon closer inspection, the Rapture looked like a gigantic insect with a thick metallic exoskeleton with a dull silver coloring.

It had six legs that created cracks on the ground it was stepping on, two heavy-caliber electromagnetic rifles connected on its sides that would literally turn you into mush, and six blades connected below its upper body that you knew were the same ones used for impaling Nikke and devouring them.

On its upper body were several cylinders containing red liquid, possibly the digested remains of Nikke.

"Ugh, how horrible. This thing must die..." you muttered, recalling the fact that it basically grows stronger the more Nikke it consumed.

But by now, it shouldn't have started digesting Marian.

The Blacksmith fired multiple bombs from several of its pores, which were quickly intercepted by Rapi.

When it was about to fire its high-caliber rifles, you noticed something on the part connecting it to its body and a ten-second timer on the top of your vision.

They were yellow rings, or in short, interruption rings, like those weakpoints in The House of the Dead series.

You knew what to do.

You tapped on Rapi's image, giving you control over her and put her aim to those rings, and in jist a few shots, ome of them was gone, damaging that weapon and rendering it unable to fire for a while.

She also fired at the other weapon under your control, resulting on the Blacksmith taking steps back as it became unable to attack for a few seconds.

You also returned control to her, as she looked confused, then glanced at you before returning to fire at the Blacksmith.

"Agnes, Marteau, move your position close to me, you're getting too close to the Tyrant." You ordered, and they followed just as they heard it.

You thought of a good enough tactic that can be used against Blacksmith, and analyzed its entire structure, searching for other things your Nikke could target.

Then you saw Marteau stepping back until she was beside you after reloading her weapon.

"Commander, I request using Code Oveclock." She said.

Shaking you head in dismissal, you replied:

"Request denied. That's nothing something you should rely on all the time, especially in situations where it isn't needed."

It really isn't needed right now, why activate it when it should be used against more powerful Tyrants?

Marteau understood, even if what you said was bothering her.

Even she felt constant worry just fighting The Blacksmith.

"So you'll just order us around and we win, right?" Marteau sighed ".... You're either crazy, or you know what you're doing and you're very confident doing it."

"Maybe, maybe not? Maybe both?" You replied with a smirk rising from the corners of your mouth, "In the end it doesn't matter, not go and make him eat lead!"

Fingers crossed, and the System's inventory accessed, you decided to make all of your Mass Produced Nikke equip whatever was needed.

Basically having them equip 70% Goddessium Equipment and Atlas Pattern Equipment (only the Gear for Marteau), granting some of their equipment the toughness and the abilities that were from said equipment.

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