Fifteen: First Scan = Progress

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St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries was a place Vega doesn't like. People used to come to her for injuries, that is before St. Mungo's had shut her down, so she couldn't privately heal anymore. Only because they wanted her for her talents, but so did every other country. Since she was Greek from her father, she had immunity as a royal of the Greek Wizarding World. Hence a surprise when she came for her healer's Mastery.

The intimidating aura around her deterred her competitors, even the higher ups in the hospital. Making her way to the director's office, she barges in and demands her Mastery back.

"Who do you think you are demanding a Mastery from me?!" the director shouts at her.

"Who am I? Seventeen years ago, you took away my mastery because you wanted my skills in healing. No one besides the Greeks, the oldest of the wixen, and the Americans, gave me the confidence and the ability to continue my work. Don't tell me you forgot me already, Montgomery?" she slams her hand on the desk, the glare on her face.


"It's Lady Potter-Black to you. Now, I have documents from the past ten years in both Greece and America for my healing services in this packet for filing. You'll see that everything has been accounted for and signed off with a blood quill from my supervisor, whose name you will not get for confidentiality reasons. Now, put me back in the book so I can help heal in the country once more."

Taking the book down from the shelf, he opens it to the page she was originally on to see that she had already been accepted back as a healer. "It seems everything is already in order."

"Thank you for your help, Director Montgomery. Have a pleasant shift." she closes the door behind her and makes her way out to the apparition point.

Once home, she finds her brothers sitting in the sun room. A cozy part of the house that they have redone since Vega had arrived. Opening the door, she steps through the threshold, gaining their attention.

"I have my healing mastery back and can continue practicing!" She informs with glee. "Let's find out what the baby is shall we?"

Racing out of the room, Vega makes her way to her office. Once drab and dreary now holds items of importance. Caspian's baby pictures and photographs of the seven decorate the room along with some school photos. Grabbing her healer's kit, she races back to Sirius.

"Now, this may tickle a bit, but it's completely normal. After that, a scroll will appear, and you will be able to hear the heartbeat of the child. Once the scroll is finished, it will show everything we need to know about the babe. Clear?" She explains.

With a nod from all three of them, she casts the spell. With the parchment scroll filling itself out, a strong heartbeat resonates through the room. Sirius' and Remus's eyes fill with tears as they hear their baby.

"That's the heartbeat, Siri. And she's a little on the small side but that's to be expected in your pregnancy."

"She?" the four males in the house ask. Nico grins.

"Pay up, Vega. You owe me twenty drachma." he cheekily smiles, holding his hand out.

"You said ten."

"Did I?"

"Nico Andre. Is Will in on this bet too?"

He glances away. "Maybe."

"I can't believe you'd bet on the gender of my child, Vega! How dare you!" Sirius exclaims.

"Please. You thought Caspian was going to be a girl. You still owe me my fifty galleons by the way."

"No. I owe James fifty."

"Why are we giving out money that I know for a fact has been given? Or why I need an explanation on the current situation?" a voice echoes from the hall. 


It's shorter than most, but I'm working on the next one as this is published. Stay tuned. And let me know how my pacing of the story is. Is it too slow? Do I need to go a bit faster? Do I need to make the chapters longer? Your input is very helpful and appreciated. Thank you all for almost 12k reads. Had I known this was going to blow up, I would've done this sooner. Thank you for your continued support in me. 

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