Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 109

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Qarek surged forward, his war axe flashing as he deftly maneuvered through the ranks of warriors, knocking aside any who dared to impede his path. With each swift motion, he drew closer to Kazaks, his heart pounding with urgency.

"Kazaks! Can you hear me?" Qarek's voice echoed through the chaos, desperate for a response amidst the tumult of battle.

"Kazaks! Answer me!" Qarek shouted once more, his words a plea borne of concern as he finally reached his fallen comrade, only to find him surrounded by adversaries.

But despite Qarek's impassioned cries, Kazaks remained motionless, his eyes closed and his body stained with the crimson of his own blood, the spear embedded in his chest a grim testament to the severity of his wounds.

Sentinel stepped forward, flanked by the warriors who had encircled Kazaks and Qarek, a tense silence descended upon the battlefield, each participant keenly aware of the gravity of the moment.

"Back off! I mean it! Back off, all of you!" Qarek's voice boomed across the battlefield, his war axe held aloft in a warning gesture towards the warriors encircling him.

"He fought bravely, but today marks the end of his journey for the lives lost in rebellion," Sentinel's voice cut through the tension, his words heavy with finality.

"Huh?!" Qarek's disbelief was palpable as he struggled to comprehend Sentinel's declaration.

"This is the end for him, and soon it will be for you—" Sentinel began, but before he could finish, Qarek closed the gap between them in a blur of motion, his fist connecting with Sentinel's jaw with a resounding impact that sent him staggering backward amidst the stunned onlookers.

"You dare talk about ends?! You dare speak of justice?!" Qarek's voice reverberated with raw fury, his eyes ablaze with righteous indignation as he advanced towards Sentinel, his war axe gleaming in the dim light.

"You think you have the right to decide who lives and who dies?!" Qarek's words rang out like thunder, each syllable dripping with venom as he confronted his adversary.

"Kazaks fought for what he believed in! He fought for freedom, for justice! And you... you dare to call him a rebel, to condemn him to death?!" Qarek's rage reached a crescendo, his voice echoing across the battlefield like a war cry.

"Enough!" he roared, his fury unleashed in a torrent of righteous anger. "I will not stand by and watch as you twist the truth to suit your own selfish ambitions! Kazaks may have fallen, but his spirit lives on in every one of us who dares to defy tyranny!"

With a primal roar, Qarek raised his war axe high, ready to unleash his wrath upon those who would dare to stand in his way. And as the warriors braced themselves for the onslaught, they knew that in Qarek's rage burned the fire of revolution, a flame that could never be extinguished.

The warriors, once poised and confident in their numbers, now faltered in the face of Qarek's overwhelming rage. Their resolve wavered as they beheld the intensity of his wrath, the fire in his eyes burning brighter than any flame they had ever encountered.

Sentinel, his jaw shattered and agony etched across his features, summoned every ounce of his resolve to rise once more. With each agonizing step, he closed the distance between himself and Qarek, determination burning bright in his eyes despite the pain.

"Qarek," Sentinel managed to rasp, his voice strained and labored, "this... this madness must end! We can't keep—"

Before Sentinel could finish his plea, Qarek's fist rocketed forward, cutting off his words with a sickening impact. The force of the blow sent Sentinel sprawling, his body twisting in mid-air before crashing to the ground in a heap.

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