5. Isabella

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Tactics means doing what you can with you have. I fucking believe in it.


Its parallel lines and never-crossing patterns are like a curse.

No matter how much you run away from it, you always get pulled back.

If power eludes you, then you have nothing.

It’s not only about being at the top. If you’re high enough, no one touches you or those close to you. No one dares to look at you, and when they do, they are blinded by the non-negotiability you project back at them.

That’s why I don’t and will never stop.

Those are my only thaughts as we walk through a rush busy corridor of School. I don't know why I am thinking this but the least I know is something ignites in me as I think about power and success. As I said We  it refers to me and Siya. The perfect extrovert and extra extrovert duo.

Siya is like a sunflower, always bright and vibrant, drawing people in with her infectious energy and outgoing personality. She thrives in social settings, effortlessly making new friends and filling the room with laughter and joy.

She is the life of the party, like Tristan. I envy her ability to effortlessly navigate social situations and strike up conversations with strangers.

I release a calming breath as my head buzzed about how Ryan suddenly switched his perspective to an over possessive brother to cool one— ‘ I ain't gonna hold you back no more. You're free to do your thing, no restrictions, no rules. Let's just enjoy the ride and see where it takes us. No more boundaries, just pure freedom. So go ahead, spread your wings and fly, 'cause you got the whole world at your feet, princess’ — his words not mine.

At that time if I would be drinking water I choke on it and spar it out maybe on his face, that's how shocking it felt to me. Kai said my facial reaction were funny but I don't give two fuck’s about it. My entire concentration was on Ryan's grinned face with a itch of charm glistening in his eyes.

“Back to school '' Siya snapped her fingers in front of my eyes. This is her way to make me come back before I doze off in thoughts completely.

"Do you know about recent news?"  I swear, this girl has more juicy details about everyone's lives than the tabloids. It's like she has a radar for drama, and always risk her own life for it.

“What news?" I asked as my grip on back tightened and we strolled into library.

“About Mac's death" if my jaw wouldn't be attached to my body, it would fall down on the floor.

"Mac's death?" I asked, still trying to sink her words inside.

“Yes, it was today in newspaper, police found his body few miles away from Roy's party club near a lake in morning" she paused "reports says that one couple were passing, they saw him and called police"

"That's unbelievable like we just saw him yesterday at a party" I still can't believe it.

"In actuality someone just took out a kind of revenge on him, he was stabbed brutally and his hands were cut off from his body" terror runs down my spine as she continues.

"Are they still investigating?" I asked.

"Yes of course,he is a famous rugby player after all" she retrieved her phone and showed me the news, his pictures made me go numb, how can a person kill someone this brutally. To this point I feel like there is no humanity in that guy.

"So Astor is in trouble," I said and sighed.

"Hell no! Astor's father is minister, he got 100 ways to get his son out of this matter, and it wasn't his fault, police already declared it, and I don't think they will risk their job and put Roy as a culprit" she said and looked at me "he is not that type of guy either.

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