~Chapter 1~

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Enrolling at Meriwether College Prep marked a significant transition in my life. After all the larger-than-life adventures and mythological encounters, it felt like I was stepping into a whole new world, one where the challenges were less mythical but no less daunting. My mom, Sally, and my stepdad, Paul, had deliberated on the best path for my future, and even though I was initially hesitant, I agreed to give this normal life thing a shot.

The day we met with the school's principal, Mrs. Henderson, was a whirlwind of paperwork and awkward handshakes. Mrs. Henderson herself was a sharp, no-nonsense lady with a knack for keeping everything organized. I sat in her office, feeling somewhat out of place in the plush chair, as she meticulously explained the school's rules and expectations.

"Your academic record from Yancy Academy is quite impressive, Percy," Mrs. Henderson remarked while reviewing my transcripts. "We're thrilled to welcome you to Meriwether College Prep."

"Thank you," I replied, doing my best to sit up straight and make a good impression.

My mother, Paul, and my little sister Estelle sat beside me, offering their unwavering support. Paul gave my shoulder a reassuring squeeze, and my mom beamed with a warmth that could rival even Apollo's radiance. She was visibly relieved that I was getting a chance at a more conventional education.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity of paperwork, we reached the part where they handed me my class schedule.

Settling into life at Meriwether College Prep, I quickly realized that these idiots were so far behind. Even Yancy Academy had started going into more advanced topics after I had boosted the knoelede of the students during my time there. Last I heard it became a really advanced school for the gifted now.

Anyways, classes were way to easy and I just coasted along, didn't really need to study when I got straight A's. Turns out it wasn't a good idea to show how smart you really where as the teachers started having me help put with their classes.

As the weeks flowed by, I continued my studies and spend all my free time in the woodshop where I had some fun building things, turns out my blacksmith skill that I had gotten from the cyclopes, really included any type of "crafting" or "building". Mr. Hiker, at first didn't want me to come and go as I pleased but after proving my skills by making him a new cane when his broke, he caved.


However, outside of school I couldn't let go of my quest to find Tyson. Every afternoon, after the last school bell had rung, I would set out to scour the alleyways, trying to locate Tyson, in the books they didn't really say exactly where he was staying, just that he was living inside a cardboard box.

I didn't bother asking people or the cops to help me locate them as in the books it stated that they never had luck finding him. So instead I used my two pets, Corvus and Lucifer.

Now before I continue let me tell you that the two have grown alot from my moms spoiling them. Corvus had grown from the size of a European Starling to the size of a Harpy eagle. Yeah he was huge now, though luckily he had found out how to shrink down to the size of a raven.

Lucifer had grown.... alot. the wolf cub that I had brought hom, well turns out that Lucifer was the son of Fenrir and he grew fast. By a couple weeks he was the size of a Great Dane and he had stopped. Though I could tell that he could get alot bigger. My mother she loved the two alot, calling them her "Big Boys". Something that they both liked as they really loved her alot.

Corvus and Lucifer were really protective of my mom and my sister... they didn't care for Paul that much. Even though he tried his best, poor guy I felt for him.

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